From Stress to Success: A University Friendship Blossoms
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Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: From Stress to Success: A University Friendship Blossoms Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Af: Die lente het Stellenbosch Universiteit met sy helder blomme en sagte briesie gevul.En: Spring filled Stellenbosch Universiteit with its bright flowers and gentle breeze.Af: Studente het haastig deur die kampus geloop, almal gefokus op die aankomende eindeksamens.En: Students hurried across the campus, all focused on the upcoming final exams.Af: In hierdie pragtige omgewing stap Annelie, 'n ambisieuse student, vinnig na die biblioteek.En: In this beautiful setting, Annelie, an ambitious student, walked quickly to the library.Af: Sy wil haar perfekte akademiese rekord handhaaf om 'n gesogte internskap te verseker.En: She wanted to maintain her perfect academic record to secure a coveted internship.Af: Annelie het lang ure gestudeer en haar notas in fyn detail opgeskryf.En: Annelie had studied long hours and written her notes in fine detail.Af: Maar die druk het begin knaag aan haar.En: But the pressure began to gnaw at her.Af: Sy het geworstel met moegheid en twyfel, gereeld jaloers op haar vriend Pieter.En: She struggled with fatigue and doubt, often feeling jealous of her friend Pieter.Af: Hy het alles met 'n glimlag gedoen.En: He did everything with a smile.Af: Sy kon nie verstaan hoe Pieter nooit bekommerd gelyk het nie.En: She could not understand how Pieter never seemed worried.Af: Pieter, met sy gemaklike houding, het dikwels gesê: "Moet nie so stres nie, Annelie.En: Pieter, with his easy-going attitude, often said, "Don’t stress so much, Annelie.Af: Elke ding sal regkom.En: Everything will work out."Af: " Sy het probeer om sy kalmte aan te neem, maar haar bekommernisse het bly borrel soos 'n onstuimige rivier.En: She tried to adopt his calmness, but her worries kept bubbling like a turbulent river.Af: Intussen het Kobus, die verstandige een in hul groep, ook paniekerig geraak.En: Meanwhile, Kobus, the sensible one in their group, also became panicked.Af: Sy beursie was afhanklik van sy akademiese prestasie, en hy kon nie bekostig om te faal nie.En: His scholarship depended on his academic performance, and he could not afford to fail.Af: Annelie, in 'n oomblik van inspirasie, het gedink 'n studiegroep mag dalk help.En: Annelie, in a moment of inspiration, thought a study group might help.Af: "Kom ons begin 'n studiegroep," het sy voorgestel.En: "Let's start a study group," she suggested.Af: Met Pieter se selfvertroue en Kobus se diligence, kon hulle mekaar ondersteun.En: With Pieter's confidence and Kobus's diligence, they could support each other.Af: Hulle het begin vergader in die biblioteek, tussen rye boeke en die geur van vars koffie wat troos bied.En: They began meeting in the library, among rows of books and the comforting aroma of fresh coffee.Af: Die klanke van penne wat op papier krap en gedempte gesprekke het die atmosfeer gevul.En: The sounds of pens scratching on paper and muted conversations filled the atmosphere.Af: Op 'n nag, toe die uur laat geword het, het spanning egter die oorhand gekry.En: On one night, when the hour grew late, tension, however, took over.Af: Annelie het skielik haar notaboek toegemaak en uitgeroep: "Ek kan nie meer nie!En: Annelie suddenly closed her notebook and exclaimed, "I can’t do this...