From Code to Compassion: The Startup That Won Hearts

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Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: From Code to Compassion: The Startup That Won Hearts Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Af: Die lug was vol energie en die soete geur van vars koffie het deur die startup-inkubator gedryf.En: The air was full of energy, and the sweet aroma of fresh coffee wafted through the startup incubator.Af: Dit was lente, en nuwe idees het hier geblom soos die blomme buite.En: It was spring, and new ideas were blooming here like the flowers outside.Af: Johan, 'n jong en ambisieuse entrepreneur, het deur die kamertjie gestap.En: Johan, a young and ambitious entrepreneur, walked through the small room.Af: Sy droom was om sy tech-maatskappy ten volle van die grond af te kry.En: His dream was to fully get his tech company off the ground.Af: Vandag moes hy sy groot idee aan 'n groep potensiële beleggers voorstel.En: Today, he had to pitch his big idea to a group of potential investors.Af: Johan het sy plek agter die lessenaar ingeneem.En: Johan took his place behind the desk.Af: Die witborde was besaai met allerhande gekrabbelde idees en planne.En: The whiteboards were covered with all sorts of scribbled ideas and plans.Af: Om hom heen was ander entrepreneurs en ontwikkelaars wat aan hul eie drome gewerk het.En: Around him were other entrepreneurs and developers working on their own dreams.Af: Annelie, sy kollega, het hom 'n bemoedigende glimlag gegee.En: Annelie, his colleague, gave him an encouraging smile.Af: Sy was altyd daar om almal op te beur.En: She was always there to lift everyone's spirits.Af: Intussen het Ruan, Johan se vriend en mede-kreatiewe kollega, ongeorganiseerd soos altyd aan iets gewerk.En: Meanwhile, Ruan, Johan's friend and creative colleague, disorganized as always, was working on something.Af: Net soos Johan sy aanbieding wou begin, het daar skielik iets gebeur.En: Just as Johan was about to start his presentation, something suddenly happened.Af: Ruan het begin hoes en sy gesig het rooi geword.En: Ruan began coughing, and his face turned red.Af: Hy het ongemaklik gelyk.En: He looked uncomfortable.Af: Almal in die vertrek het hul aandag van Johan na Ruan verskuif.En: Everyone in the room shifted their attention from Johan to Ruan.Af: 'n Paar mense het begin mompel, onseker oor wat aan die gang was.En: A few people started to murmur, unsure of what was going on.Af: "Ruan?" het Annelie bekommerd gevra, en na sy kant toe gehardloop.En: "Ruan?" Annelie asked worriedly, running to his side.Af: "Het jy iets geëet?"En: "Did you eat something?"Af: "Ek weet nie ... dalk ... die neute?" het Ruan afgeknik en gekap.En: "I don't know ... maybe ... the nuts?" Ruan nodded and croaked.Af: Daar was 'n bak met neute op 'n tafel naby, vergete na hierdie soldragte saamkoms.En: There was a bowl of nuts on a nearby table, forgotten after this long meeting.Af: Johan het gevries.En: Johan froze.Af: Hier was sy kans om sukses te behaal, maar sy goeie vriend was dalk in die moeilikheid.En: Here was his chance to achieve success, but his good friend was possibly in trouble.Af: Hy het die kamer deurgekyk.En: He scanned the room.Af: Hy het geweet hy moes vinnig besluit.En: He knew he had to make a quick decision.Af: Die beleggers het na hom gekyk, afwagtend en met gevoude arms.En: The investors were watching him, expectantly...

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