Finding Home: A Trail to Bonding Amid Nature's Beauty
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Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Finding Home: A Trail to Bonding Amid Nature's Beauty Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Af: Die lug was helder bo Tafelberg Nasionale Park, 'n perfekte somersdag.En: The sky was clear above Tafelberg National Park, a perfect summer day.Af: Die son het sag oor die rotsagtige paadjies geskyn, en die fynbos het 'n ryk, aromatiese geur versprei.En: The sun gently shone over the rocky paths, and the fynbos spread a rich, aromatic fragrance.Af: Johan het diep asem gehaal.En: Johan took a deep breath.Af: Hy was mal oor die natuur en was gretig om hierdie liefde met sy dogter, Anika, te deel.En: He loved nature and was eager to share this love with his daughter, Anika.Af: Sy het egter agter hom aangeslenter, meer geïnteresseerd in die flikkerende skerm van haar selfoon as die uitsig om haar.En: However, she lagged behind him, more interested in the flickering screen of her phone than the view around her.Af: Die familie het onlangs van Johannesburg na Kaapstad verhuis.En: The family had recently moved from Johannesburg to Kaapstad.Af: Johan het die nuwe geleenthede om te stap en te kamp as opwindend gesien.En: Johan saw the new opportunities for hiking and camping as exciting.Af: Anika, aan die ander kant, het haar ouers kwaad aangekyk en het gewens sy kon by haar vriende bly.En: Anika, on the other hand, looked at her parents with anger and wished she could stay with her friends.Af: Hierdie kampuitstappie was Johan se idee om dinge tussen hulle te herstel, en hy wou hê sy moes die skoonheid van hul nuwe plek raaksien.En: This camping trip was Johan's idea to mend things between them, and he wanted her to see the beauty of their new place.Af: "Anika, ons moet daardie waterval op die berg gaan kyk.En: "Anika, we should go see that waterfall on the mountain.Af: Ek dink jy sal daarvan hou," het Johan gesê, hoopvol.En: I think you'll like it," Johan said, hopefully.Af: Hy het gedink aan die keer toe sy 'n foto van dit in 'n tydskrif gesien het en daaroor opgegewonde was.En: He thought about the time she saw a picture of it in a magazine and was excited about it.Af: Anika het haar skouers opgetrek sonder om op te kyk.En: Anika shrugged her shoulders without looking up.Af: Johan het geweet sy was ongelukkig oor die skuif.En: Johan understood she was unhappy about the move.Af: Hy het haar ruimte gegee maar het nou 'n aktiewe stap nodig gehad.En: He gave her space but now needed to take an active step.Af: "Kom ons stap daarheen.En: "Let's walk there.Af: Net 'n kort wandeling," het hy aanhou sê.En: Just a short walk," he continued.Af: Sy het uiteindelik haar oë gerol en die telefoon in haar sak gesit.En: She finally rolled her eyes and put the phone in her pocket.Af: "Goed," het sy gemompel, "maar ek sal dit vinnig doen.En: "Okay," she mumbled, "but I'll make it quick."Af: "Hulle het met die wandelpad begin en Johan het stories oor die voëls en blomme gedeel.En: They started on the trail, and Johan shared stories about the birds and flowers.Af: Ten spyte van haar aanvanklike onwilligheid het Anika begin luister, al was dit net met een oor.En: Despite her initial reluctance, Anika began to listen, even if just with one ear.Af: Die paadjie was steil en Johan het probeer om haar aan te moedig.En: The path was steep, and Johan tried to encourage her.Af: "Ons is amper...