Dream Chasers: Love & Ambition in Johannesburg

FluentFiction - Afrikaans - Ein Podcast von FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Dream Chasers: Love & Ambition in Johannesburg Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/dream-chasers-love-ambition-in-johannesburg Story Transcript:Af: Die ysige Johannesburg-wind waai deur die strate.En: The icy Johannesburg wind blows through the streets.Af: Uit die lug getuig donkertjies van 'n naderende storm.En: Tiny dark clouds in the sky foreshadow an approaching storm.Af: In 'n hoë gebou skuif Elize haar bril op.En: In a high-rise building, Elize adjusts her glasses.Af: Sy is nou 'n maand in Johannesburg.En: She has now been in Johannesburg for a month.Af: Elize is 'n ywerige projekbestuurder wat onlangs van Kaapstad af verhuis het.En: Elize is a diligent project manager who recently moved from Cape Town.Af: Sy mis haar ou stad, maar het groot drome vir haar nuwe posisie.En: She misses her old city but has big dreams for her new position.Af: Thabo sit stil in sy klein kantoor op dieselfde vloer.En: Thabo sits quietly in his small office on the same floor.Af: Hy is 'n IT-spesialis.En: He is an IT specialist.Af: Stil en fokus.En: Quiet and focused.Af: Tog droom hy stilletjies van sy eie tegnologie-maatskappy.En: Yet, he secretly dreams of his own technology company.Af: Die lewe in die korporatiewe omgewing is besig en dikwels onpersoonlik.En: Life in the corporate environment is busy and often impersonal.Af: Dae word langer, werkure verminder nie, en die druk bly hardnekkig.En: Days become longer, work hours do not decrease, and the pressure remains relentless.Af: “Ek het hierdie behoefte om meer mense te leer ken,” dink Elize.En: “I have this need to meet more people,” Elize thinks.Af: Sy het gehoor van ‘n stapklub by die kantoor.En: She heard about a hiking club at the office.Af: “Ek het nie baie tyd nie, maar dalk is dit die moeite werd.”En: “I don’t have much time, but maybe it’s worth it.”Af: Thabo, aan die ander kant, wil eers nie deelneem nie.En: Thabo, on the other hand, is reluctant to participate at first.Af: Dis sy vriend wat hom die laaste skop gee.En: It’s his friend who gives him the final push.Af: “Kom, Thabo, jy kan nie altyd in jou kantoor sit nie.En: “Come on, Thabo, you can’t always sit in your office.Af: Dit sal goed wees vir jou.”En: It’ll be good for you.”Af: Op 'n koue Saterdagoggend ontmoet hulle vir die eerste keer by die staproete.En: On a cold Saturday morning, they meet for the first time at the hiking trail.Af: Die natuurreservaat is pragtig.En: The nature reserve is beautiful.Af: Die wind voer die geur van dennebome.En: The wind carries the scent of pine trees.Af: Die koue wind knaag aan hul gesigte.En: The cold wind nips at their faces.Af: Elize stoei met haar gedagtes.En: Elize wrestles with her thoughts.Af: Sy wil ekselleer, maar die eensameskap begin haar weeg.En: She wants to excel, but the loneliness is beginning to weigh on her.Af: Terselfdertyd kyk Thabo na die grond, onseker oor hoe om selfvertroue te vind om sy drome te volg.En: At the same time, Thabo looks at the ground, unsure of how to find the confidence to pursue his dreams.Af: Die groep beweeg saam deur die bome, maar skielik begin donderweer rommel.En: The group moves together through the trees, but suddenly thunder starts to rumble.Af: Reën begin stort en hulle hardloop na 'n klein...

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