Discovering Love and Self on Table Mountain’s Summit
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Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Discovering Love and Self on Table Mountain’s Summit Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Af: Die koue winterwind waai oor die plat bokant van Tafelberg.En: The cold winter wind blows over the flat top of Table Mountain.Af: Die stad Kaapstad is onder hulle soos 'n skildery, met die oseaan wat blink in die sonlig.En: The city of Cape Town lies below them like a painting, with the ocean sparkling in the sunlight.Af: Annelie staan by die kabelkar se hek en hou haar tas vas.En: Annelie stands at the gate of the cable car, holding her bag tightly.Af: Haar hande bewe 'n bietjie.En: Her hands tremble a little.Af: Sy kom van Johannesburg, ver meer noord van hier.En: She is from Johannesburg, much further north from here.Af: Sy het Pieter nog net aanlyn ontmoet, nou gaan sy hom in die werklike lewe sien.En: She has only met Pieter online, and now she is going to see him in real life.Af: Annelie is opgewonde, maar ook bang.En: Annelie is excited but also scared.Af: Sy wonder of Pieter dieselfde persoon sal wees as wat hy aanlyn lyk.En: She wonders if Pieter will be the same person he appears to be online.Af: Sy hoop dit, maar daar is tog 'n vrees in haar hart.En: She hopes he is, but there is still a fear in her heart.Af: Wat as hy haar nie van hou nie?En: What if he does not like her?Af: Wat as hy anders is as wat sy dink?En: What if he is different from what she thinks?Af: Sy besluit om haar beste voet voor te sit, om positief te wees.En: She decides to put her best foot forward, to be positive.Af: Pieter staan by die uitsigpunt bo-op Tafelberg en kyk uit oor die stad.En: Pieter stands at the viewpoint on top of Table Mountain, looking out over the city.Af: Hy voel ook senutergend.En: He also feels nervous.Af: Hy is skaam en bang dat hy nie sal weet wat om te sê of te doen nie.En: He is shy and afraid that he will not know what to say or do.Af: Hy wil graag oopmaak en wees wie hy werklik is, maar dit is moeilik vir hom.En: He wants to open up and be who he really is, but it is difficult for him.Af: Hy vra homself af of Annelie hom sal verstaan.En: He wonders if Annelie will understand him.Af: Die kabelkar kom aan en die mense begin uitstap.En: The cable car arrives and people start to disembark.Af: Annelie stap stadig uit, haar oë soekend tussen die mense.En: Annelie steps out slowly, her eyes searching among the people.Af: Dan sien sy hom.En: Then she sees him.Af: Pieter staan daar, 'n bietjie senuweeagtig, maar met 'n sagte glimlag op sy gesig.En: Pieter stands there, a bit nervous, but with a gentle smile on his face.Af: Sy glimlag terug, en vir 'n oomblik voel sy haar vrees wegsmelt.En: She smiles back, and for a moment, she feels her fear melt away.Af: "Hallo, Pieter," sê sy met 'n bewerige stem, maar met opregte blydskap in haar oë.En: "Hello, Pieter," she says with a shaky voice, but with genuine happiness in her eyes.Af: "Hallo, Annelie," antwoord hy.En: "Hello, Annelie," he replies.Af: Sy stem is rustig, maar sy oë verklap sy eie senuweegeit.En: His voice is calm, but his eyes reveal his own nervousness.Af: Hulle begin gesels, eers oor die alledaagse dinge: die weer, die reis van Johannesburg, die pragtige uitsig oor die stad.En: They start to chat, at...