Detective Instincts: A Summer Mystery in Stellenbosch
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Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Detective Instincts: A Summer Mystery in Stellenbosch Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Af: Die son bak warm oor Stellenbosch, 'n stad vol kleur en energie tydens die somervakansie.En: The sun bakes warmly over Stellenbosch, a city full of color and energy during the summer vacation.Af: Die lug is gevul met die reuk van vars blomme en die klank van mense wat lag en gesels by die jaarlikse buitelug kunsuitstalling.En: The air is filled with the scent of fresh flowers and the sound of people laughing and chatting at the annual outdoor art exhibition.Af: Binne die stad se polisiestasie is dit egter 'n ander storie.En: Inside the city's police station, however, it’s a different story.Af: Die telefoon lui voortdurend, en mense stroom in om kleinprobleme aan te meld.En: The phone rings constantly, and people stream in to report minor problems.Af: In die verleë hoek van die polisiestasie sit Annelie, haar oë glinsterend met nuuskierigheid en 'n bietjie spanning.En: In the embarrassed corner of the police station sits Annelie, her eyes sparkling with curiosity and a little excitement.Af: Sy is jonk, nog 'n leerling in die wêreld van speurwerk, maar heeltemal vasberade.En: She is young, still a learner in the world of detective work, but completely determined.Af: Voor haar is Johan, die plaaslike polisiebeampte.En: Before her is Johan, the local police officer.Af: Hy is 'n groot man met 'n sagte hart vir die jeug.En: He is a large man with a soft heart for the youth.Af: Tog, kyk hy skepties na Annelie se entoesiasme.En: Yet, he looks skeptically at Annelie's enthusiasm.Af: "Johan," sê Annelie met 'n bietjie aarseling, "Ek dink ek weet wat met die vermiste kunswerk gebeur het.En: "Johan," says Annelie with a bit of hesitation, "I think I know what happened to the missing artwork."Af: "Johan vou sy arms en leun agteroor in sy stoel.En: Johan folds his arms and leans back in his chair.Af: "Annelie, dit is ingewikkeld.En: "Annelie, it's complicated.Af: Miskien is dit beter as ons by die feite bly.En: Maybe it's better if we stick to the facts."Af: "Maar Annelie gee nie maklik moed op nie.En: But Annelie doesn't give up easily.Af: "Ek weet dis Pieter.En: "I know it's Pieter.Af: Hy tree vreemd op hierdie week," dring sy aan.En: He's been acting strange this week," she insists.Af: "Hoekom dink jy so?En: "Why do you think so?"Af: " vra Johan, nog steeds skepties.En: asks Johan, still skeptical.Af: "Pieter se skilderye is altyd perfek, maar daar was 'n fout in sy laaste werk.En: "Pieter's paintings are always perfect, but there was a mistake in his last work.Af: Dis asof hy iets wegsteek.En: It's as if he's hiding something."Af: "Met Johan se toestemming om as 'n amptelike maar informele hulp te dien, begin hulle die ondersoek.En: With Johan's permission to serve as an official but informal help, they begin the investigation.Af: Hulle loop saam na die uitstalling.En: They walk together to the exhibition.Af: Die plaaslike kunstenaars versamel daar terwyl die laatmiddag son skaduwees oor die skilderye gooi.En: The local artists are gathered there as the late afternoon sun casts shadows over the paintings.Af: Pieter staan apart, sy gesig bleek en onseker.En: Pieter stands apart, his face pale and uncertain.Af: Annelie nader hom...