Conquering Pride: A Different Summit on Table Mountain
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Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Conquering Pride: A Different Summit on Table Mountain Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Af: Die bergreeks was stil, die lug vars en skoon.En: The mountain range was quiet, the air fresh and clean.Af: Die son het vriendelik oor Kaapstad geglimlag.En: The sun smiled warmly over Cape Town.Af: Elmar en Karlien het begin stap op die bekende roete van Tafelberg.En: Elmar and Karlien began their hike on the well-known route of Table Mountain.Af: Elmar was vasbeslote.En: Elmar was determined.Af: Vandag sou hy die berg alleen oorwin.En: Today he would conquer the mountain alone.Af: Heritage Day was om die draai en hy wou bewys dat hy sterk en onafhanklik is.En: Heritage Day was just around the corner, and he wanted to prove that he was strong and independent.Af: "Hou jy regtig nie 'n breek nodig nie?" vra Karlien, kyk na Elmar.En: "Don't you really need a break?" Karlien asked, looking at Elmar.Af: "Ons het nog 'n ent om te gaan."En: "We still have quite a way to go."Af: Elmar skud sy kop trots.En: Elmar shook his head proudly.Af: "Ek is reg. Ek kan dit alleen doen, Karlien."En: "I'm fine. I can do it alone, Karlien."Af: Hy glimlag, al voel hy skoon swaar in sy kop.En: He smiled, although he felt a dizziness in his head.Af: Die lentegeure van fynbos versadig die lug, maar Elmar begin lig in die kop voel.En: The spring scents of fynbos saturated the air, but Elmar began to feel lightheaded.Af: Karlien kyk hom egter bekommerd aan, elke stap van die pad.En: Karlien looked at him, however, with concern, every step of the way.Af: Sy verstaan sy trots, maar sy is bekommerd oor sy gesondheid.En: She understood his pride but worried about his health.Af: Die pad na bo was nog lank en steil.En: The path to the top was still long and steep.Af: Middeldeur die klim verander die atmosfeer.En: Midway through the climb, the atmosphere changed.Af: Die wolke hang swaar en Elmar se asemhaling raak onrustig.En: The clouds hung heavy and Elmar's breathing became unsteady.Af: Sy bene voel soos lood.En: His legs felt like lead.Af: Hy voel die aarde weg beweeg onder sy voete.En: He felt the ground moving away under his feet.Af: Die simptome van hoogte siekte begin inskop.En: The symptoms of altitude sickness started to set in.Af: "Karlien," fluister hy, sy stem kry spanning.En: "Karlien," he whispered, tension in his voice.Af: "Ek weet nie of ek ..."En: "I don't know if I..."Af: Op daardie oomblik voel hy hoe die wêreld draai.En: At that moment he felt the world spin.Af: Hy val teen 'n rotsbank neer, sy liggaam weier om te gehoorsaam.En: He collapsed against a rock ledge, his body refusing to obey.Af: Karlien gryp vinnig sy arm.En: Karlien quickly grabbed his arm.Af: Haar greep is sterk en bemoedigend.En: Her grip was strong and reassuring.Af: "Elmar, daar is niks verkeerd daarmee om hulp te vra nie," sê sy sag.En: "Elmar, there's nothing wrong with asking for help," she said softly.Af: "Kom ons gaan terug."En: "Let's head back."Af: Elmar huiwer, trots en skaamte stry in sy bors, maar sy gesondheid is nou belangriker.En: Elmar hesitated, pride and shame battling in his chest, but his health was now more important.