Conquering Fear on Tafelberg's Treacherous Trails

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Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Conquering Fear on Tafelberg's Treacherous Trails Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Af: Die warm lentelug omhels die drie vriende, terwyl hulle die kronkelende paadjies van Tafelberg begin stap.En: The warm spring air embraces the three friends as they begin hiking the winding paths of Tafelberg.Af: Die son skyn helder oor Kaapstad en laat die groenigheid van die plantegroei glinster.En: The sun shines brightly over Kaapstad, making the greenery of the vegetation shimmer.Af: Riaan, met sy angstige glimlag, stap agter Elmarie en Jaco aan.En: Riaan, with his anxious smile, walks behind Elmarie and Jaco.Af: Hy is vasberade om sy vrees vir hoogtes te oorkom.En: He is determined to overcome his fear of heights.Af: Vandag is die dag, dink hy vir homself.En: Today is the day, he thinks to himself.Af: Elmarie is in haar element.En: Elmarie is in her element.Af: Haar selfoon is gereed, en by elke skilderagtige stop neem sy 'n selfie.En: Her phone is ready, and at every picturesque stop, she takes a selfie.Af: "Hierdie een gaan Instagram 'n bietjie laat bons," lag sy terwyl Riaan eng vas aan 'n rots vashou nonchalant sy hande wegsteek.En: "This one is going to make Instagram bounce a bit," she laughs while Riaan clings tightly to a rock, nonchalantly hiding his hands.Af: Hy kan die diepte onder hom voel, al probeer hy nie afkyk nie.En: He can feel the depth below him, even as he tries not to look down.Af: Jaco, die organiserende brein van die ekspedisie, hou presies by die situasie.En: Jaco, the organizing brain of the expedition, keeps a precise eye on the situation.Af: Sy horlosie piep soos hy hul vordering meet.En: His watch beeps as he measures their progress.Af: "Ons moet roer, ouens!En: "We have to move, guys!Af: Ons het net nog 'n uur om bo uit te kom sodat ons die middagson vir ons piekniek kan vang," sê hy, sy oë op die pad voor hom.En: We only have another hour to reach the top so we can catch the afternoon sun for our picnic," he says, his eyes on the path ahead.Af: Die pad raak steiler.En: The path becomes steeper.Af: Riaan voel sy hart vinniger klop, en elke tree word 'n uitdaging.En: Riaan feels his heart beating faster, and each step becomes a challenge.Af: Elmarie draai van tyd tot tyd om hom bemoedigend toe te glimlag.En: Elmarie turns occasionally to give him an encouraging smile.Af: "Ons is amper daar, Riaan.En: "We are almost there, Riaan.Af: Jy maak dit!En: You're making it!"Af: " sê sy.En: she says.Af: Net voor die kruin van die berg, slaan paniek toe.En: Just before the crest of the mountain, panic strikes.Af: Die pad voor hulle ooplê is styf en blootgestel aan die wind.En: The path ahead is narrow and exposed to the wind.Af: Riaan stop skielik, sy bene wil nie beweeg nie.En: Riaan suddenly stops, his legs refuse to move.Af: Hy kan die swaai van die land onder hom voel.En: He can feel the land swaying beneath him.Af: "Ek weet nie of ek dit kan maak nie," sê hy sag.En: "I don't know if I can make it," he says softly.Af: Elmarie stap na hom toe.En: Elmarie steps to him.Af: "Kyk net na die uitsig, Riaan.En: "Just look at the view, Riaan.Af: Dis asemrowend.En: It's breathtaking.Af: Dit sal al die moeite werd wees," sê sy, terwyl sy 'n pragtige foto...

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