Capturing Dreams: A Youth's Journey in Kruger National Park
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Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Capturing Dreams: A Youth's Journey in Kruger National Park Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Af: Dit was 'n koue oggend in die Kruger Nasionale Park.En: It was a cold morning in Kruger National Park.Af: Die lug was kraakvars, en die son het net begin opkom oor die horison.En: The air was crisp, and the sun was just beginning to rise over the horizon.Af: Jasper het sy kamera vasgehou en gespanne vir die ideale geleentheid gewag.En: Jasper held his camera, tensely waiting for the ideal opportunity.Af: Vandag was 'n spesiale dag – Jeugdag – en hy wou die perfekte foto neem vir die kompetisie.En: Today was a special day – Youth Day – and he wanted to take the perfect picture for the competition.Af: Anika en Willem het langs hom gestaan.En: Anika and Willem stood beside him.Af: Anika het warm tee in 'n fles vir hom aangebied.En: Anika offered him a flask of warm tea.Af: “Jy sal dit nodig hê,” het sy glimlaggend gesê.En: "You'll need this," she said, smiling.Af: Jasper het haar dankbaar aangekyk.En: Jasper looked at her gratefully.Af: Willem het egter sy oë gerol.En: Willem, however, rolled his eyes.Af: “Ek weet nie hoekom jy jouself so druk maak nie, Jasper,” het hy gesê.En: "I don't know why you're trying so hard, Jasper," he said.Af: “Die kans dat jy iets besonders kry, is bitter min.En: "The chances of getting something exceptional are very slim."Af: ”Jasper het diep asemgehaal.En: Jasper took a deep breath.Af: Hy het Willem se skeptisisme gehoor, maar het nie toegelaat dat dit hom afskrik nie.En: He heard Willem's skepticism but did not let it discourage him.Af: Hy het almal al vertel hoe passievol hy is oor wildfotografie.En: He had already told everyone how passionate he was about wildlife photography.Af: Hy het 'n droom gehad, en hy was vasbeslote om dit te bereik.En: He had a dream, and he was determined to achieve it.Af: Hulle het die wandelpad verder gevolg, die gras wat onder hulle voete ritsel.En: They continued down the path, the grass rustling under their feet.Af: Die geluide van die diere het om hulle geklink, en elke keer as hulle 'n beweging gesien het, het Jasper sy kamera gereed gekry.En: The sounds of the animals echoed around them, and each time they saw movement, Jasper readied his camera.Af: Maar, keer op keer, het hy niks gekry wat die moeite werd was nie.En: But, time and again, he found nothing worth capturing.Af: “Jy mors jou tyd,” het Willem weer gesê.En: "You're wasting your time," Willem said again.Af: Anika het egter haar hand op Jasper se skouer gesit.En: Anika, however, placed her hand on Jasper's shoulder.Af: “Ons is hier vir jou, Jasper.En: "We're here for you, Jasper.Af: Moet nie moed opgee nie.En: Don't give up."Af: ” Haar woorde het hom moed gegee.En: Her words gave him courage.Af: Die dag het aangegaan, en hulle het dieper in die park in beweeg.En: The day went on, and they moved deeper into the park.Af: Skielik, uit die niks, het 'n massiewe olifant voor hulle verskyn.En: Suddenly, a massive elephant appeared out of nowhere in front of them.Af: Jasper se hart het vinniger begin klop.En: Jasper's heart began to beat faster.Af: Dit was die kans waarvoor hy gewag het.En: This was the...