Cape Town High School's Culture Day: Triumph Over Adversity
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Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Cape Town High School's Culture Day: Triumph Over Adversity Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Af: In die hartjie van die koue Kaapse winter, by 'n openbare hoërskool, was daar 'n gedruis.En: In the heart of the cold Cape Town winter, at a public high school, there was a buzz.Af: Die skool se gange was vol leerders wat oor een ding gepraat het: die komende kultuurdag.En: The school's hallways were filled with students talking about one thing: the upcoming culture day.Af: Ruan, Annelie en Marike werk ywerig om die dag op die been te bring.En: Ruan, Annelie, and Marike worked diligently to bring the day to life.Af: Ruan stap flink deur die skool se vele gange.En: Ruan walked briskly through the school's many hallways.Af: Hy het 'n lys met al die kulturele optredes.En: He had a list of all the cultural performances.Af: Hy voel die gespanne verwagting.En: He felt the tense anticipation.Af: Elke tree is 'n herinnering aan hoe belangrik hierdie dag vir hom is.En: Every step was a reminder of how important this day was for him.Af: Dit is sy kans om sy vaardighede te wys en miskien 'n beurs te kry.En: It was his chance to show his skills and maybe get a scholarship.Af: Annelie, met haar helder glimlag en borrelende persoonlikheid, hardloop rond met versierings.En: Annelie, with her bright smile and bubbly personality, ran around with decorations.Af: Sy is vasbeslote om te wys dat sy meer is as net 'n sosiale vlinder.En: She was determined to show that she was more than just a social butterfly.Af: Sy wil respek verdien as 'n leier.En: She wanted to earn respect as a leader.Af: Sy plak kleurvolle plakkate op en hang vlae van reg oor die wêreld op.En: She stuck colorful posters and hung flags from around the world.Af: Marike sit stil in die kunsklas, haar hande geknou om 'n potlood.En: Marike sat quietly in the art class, her hands clenched around a pencil.Af: Sy teken plakkate vir die dag.En: She was drawing posters for the day.Af: Marike is verleë, maar haar talent is ongelooflik.En: Marike was shy, but her talent was incredible.Af: Sy hoop dat haar kunswerke erkenning en waardering sal kry.En: She hoped that her artwork would get recognition and appreciation.Af: Maar haar skaamheid maak dit moeilik vir haar om te praat.En: But her shyness made it difficult for her to speak up.Af: Tog bot die konflikte vinnig.En: Yet, conflicts quickly arose.Af: Ruan sukkel om sy besorgdheid te beheer en begin Annelie en Marike oorlaai met opdragte.En: Ruan struggled to control his anxiety and began overloading Annelie and Marike with tasks.Af: Annelie weerstaan hom, vasberade om haar eie idees uit te voer.En: Annelie resisted, determined to execute her own ideas.Af: Marike se stem bly stil, haar selfvertroue ver borrelend onder die oppervlak.En: Marike's voice remained silent, her confidence bubbling just below the surface.Af: Die tyd druk.En: Time was tight.Af: Die begroting is beperk.En: The budget was limited.Af: Elke sent moet slim aangewend word.En: Every cent had to be used wisely.Af: Die spanningsvlakke loop hoog.En: Tension levels were high.Af: Marike vind dit moeilik om haar kreatiewe idees te deel.En: Marike found it hard to share her creative ideas.