Braving Heights: Hendrik's Courageous Guide Through the Storm

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Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Braving Heights: Hendrik's Courageous Guide Through the Storm Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Af: Stilte en spanning hang in die lug.En: Silence and tension hung in the air.Af: Hendrik staan aan die voet van Tafelberg.En: Hendrik stood at the foot of Table Mountain.Af: Die mistige winterweer gee die berg 'n geheimsinnige voorkoms.En: The misty winter weather gave the mountain a mysterious appearance.Af: Hy kyk na die groep stappers wat agter hom ry.En: He looked at the group of hikers behind him.Af: Hulle vertrou hom, hul gids.En: They trusted him, their guide.Af: Hendrik is 'n ervare gids.En: Hendrik is an experienced guide.Af: Hy ken elke draai en draai van die berg.En: He knows every twist and turn of the mountain.Af: Maar een geheim hou hy vir homself - sy vrees vir hoogtes.En: But there is one secret he keeps to himself—his fear of heights.Af: Hy het dit nog nooit met iemand gedeel nie.En: He has never shared this with anyone.Af: Vandag, staan hy voor die grootste uitdaging van sy loopbaan.En: Today, he stands before the greatest challenge of his career.Af: Die groep begin klim.En: The group begins to climb.Af: Die paadjie is nat en glibberig van die reën.En: The path is wet and slippery from the rain.Af: Die wolke hang laag, en die wind waai koud.En: The clouds hang low, and the wind blows cold.Af: Hendrik gee kort bevels en help die stappers oor klipperige dele.En: Hendrik gives short commands and helps the hikers over rocky parts.Af: Ná 'n paar uur kom die eerste tekens van 'n storm.En: After a few hours, the first signs of a storm appear.Af: Hendrik hou stil.En: Hendrik stops.Af: Hy kyk na die donker wolke wat vinnig nader kom.En: He looks at the dark clouds approaching quickly.Af: Die veiligheid van die groep hang aan 'n dun draad.En: The safety of the group hangs by a thread.Af: Sy hart begin vinniger klop.En: His heart starts to beat faster.Af: "Ons moet vinnig wees," sê hy.En: "We need to be quick," he says.Af: Hy kyk na die stappers.En: He looks at the hikers.Af: Hulle gesigte vertoon moed en opwinding.En: Their faces show courage and excitement.Af: Hulle vertrou hom.En: They trust him.Af: Die storm tref hulle vinniger as wat hy verwag het.En: The storm hits them faster than he expected.Af: Reën begin stort.En: Rain starts to pour.Af: Die wind het woedend geraak.En: The wind has become furious.Af: Hendrik voel sy knieë bewe van vrees.En: Hendrik feels his knees shake with fear.Af: Hy moenie sy vrees wys nie, dink hy.En: He thinks, he must not show his fear.Af: Hulle nader die smal, glibberige rand.En: They approach the narrow, slippery edge.Af: Dit is die gevaarlikste deel van die roete.En: This is the most dangerous part of the route.Af: Elke stap kan fataal wees in hierdie weer.En: Every step could be fatal in this weather.Af: Hendrik moet 'n besluit neem.En: Hendrik must make a decision.Af: Terugkeer of voortgaan?En: Turn back or move forward?Af: Hy kyk na die groep.En: He looks at the group.Af: Hulle vertrou hom heeltemal.En: They trust him completely.

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