A Winemaker's Allergy Turns into a Halloween Success
FluentFiction - Afrikaans - Ein Podcast von FluentFiction.org

Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: A Winemaker's Allergy Turns into a Halloween Success Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/af/episode/2024-10-30-22-34-02-af Story Transcript:Af: Lenteblomme het oral in die wynlande van Stellenbosch begin blom.En: Spring flowers had started blooming all over the vineyards of Stellenbosch.Af: Die sonlig het sag op die wingerde geskyn, en 'n vars briesie het deur die takke gewaai.En: The sunlight gently shone on the vines, and a fresh breeze blew through the branches.Af: Pieter, die jong wynmaker, het met sy hande op sy heupe gestaan en na die rye druiwe gekyk.En: Pieter, the young winemaker, stood with his hands on his hips, looking at the rows of grapes.Af: Hy was trots op sy wyn, maar ook vol spanning.En: He was proud of his wine but also full of tension.Af: Die lente-vervaardiging was nader, en hierdie jaar het hy iets besonders beplan vir die Halloween-fees wat naderkom.En: The spring production was approaching, and this year he had something special planned for the upcoming Halloween festival.Af: Pieter het die perfekte mengsel vir sy nuwe wyn wou skep.En: Pieter wanted to create the perfect blend for his new wine.Af: Maar toe gebeur die onverwagte.En: But then the unexpected happened.Af: Terwyl hy druiwe proe, begin sy vel jeuk en sy oë swel.En: While tasting grapes, his skin started itching and his eyes swelled.Af: "Elsje!En: "Elsje!Af: Karel!En: Karel!"Af: " roep hy uit, sy stem vol angs.En: he called out, his voice full of anxiety.Af: Elsje, sy vriendin, en Karel, sy neef, hardloop oor die wingerd na hom toe.En: Elsje, his friend, and Karel, his cousin, ran over the vineyard to him.Af: "Wat gaan aan, Pieter?En: "What’s wrong, Pieter?"Af: " vra Elsje bekommerd.En: asked Elsje worriedly.Af: Pieter wys na sy gesig, en Elsje sak dadelik om hom te help.En: Pieter pointed to his face, and Elsje immediately knelt down to help him.Af: "Dis 'n allergiese reaksie!En: "It's an allergic reaction!"Af: " sê sy.En: she said.Af: Karel frons.En: Karel frowned.Af: "Jy kan nie nou ophou nie.En: "You can't stop now.Af: Die wyn moet klaar wees voor die fees!En: The wine must be ready before the festival!"Af: " Pieter weet Karel is reg.En: Pieter knew Karel was right.Af: Maar hoe kon hy voortgaan sonder om te proe?En: But how could he continue without tasting?Af: Elsje dink 'n oomblik na.En: Elsje thought for a moment.Af: "Wat van 'n nuwe bestanddeel?En: "What about a new ingredient?Af: Iets wat jy nie hoef te proe om die smaak te verstaan nie?En: Something you don’t have to taste to understand the flavor?"Af: "'N uur later, terwyl hulle deur die potplante loop, ontdek Pieter 'n spesiale kruie wat 'n unieke geur vrystel sonder proe.En: An hour later, as they walked through the potted plants, Pieter discovered a special herb that released a unique aroma without tasting.Af: Hulle knip 'n paar takkie af en keer terug na die kelder.En: They snipped off a few sprigs and returned to the cellar.Af: Met Elsje en Karel se hulp het Pieter die nuwe kruie by die mengsel gevoeg.En: With Elsje and Karel's help, Pieter added the new herb to the mix.Af: Binne 'n paar dae was die wyn gereed.En: Within a few days, the wine was ready.Af: Op die aanloop tot die Halloween-fees het Pieter nog steeds bekommerd...