A Springtime Reconnection: Siblings Share More Than Groceries
FluentFiction - Afrikaans - Ein Podcast von FluentFiction.org

Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: A Springtime Reconnection: Siblings Share More Than Groceries Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/af/episode/2024-10-29-22-34-02-af Story Transcript:Af: Die son skyn helder oor die moderne voorstad, waar lenteblomme langs die strate pryk.En: The sun shines brightly over the modern suburb, where spring flowers adorn the streets.Af: Johan skuifel die parkeerterrein by die besige supermark op, sy gedagtes vol planne.En: Johan shuffles up the parking lot at the busy supermarket, his thoughts full of plans.Af: Sy hart is swaar met 'n verlange om weer met sy suster, Anel, kontak te maak.En: His heart is heavy with a longing to reconnect with his sister, Anel.Af: Sy werk en vryheid het 'n kloof tussen hulle gevorm, en Johan hoop dat vandag 'n begin kan wees om dit te oorbrug.En: His work and freedom have created a rift between them, and Johan hopes that today can be the beginning to bridge it.Af: Binne die supermark is daar 'n konstante gemurmel van mense en die geluid van waentjies wat oor die teëlvloere rol.En: Inside the supermarket, there's a constant murmur of people and the sound of carts rolling over the tiled floors.Af: Die rakke is propvol vars lentegoed, die geur van vars groente in die lug.En: The shelves are packed with fresh spring produce, the scent of fresh vegetables in the air.Af: Anel is reeds by die groenterak, haar foon pas aan haar oor gedruk.En: Anel is already by the vegetable rack, her phone pressed against her ear.Af: Johan glimlag flou en beweeg na haar toe.En: Johan smiles faintly and moves towards her.Af: "Hey, Anel," groet hy.En: "Hey, Anel," he greets.Af: Sy knik, maar haar aandag is nog heeltemal by die oproep.En: She nods, but her attention is still completely on the call.Af: Johan wag geduldig, maar sy telefoonetiket neem lank.En: Johan waits patiently, but her phone etiquette takes a while.Af: Hulle beweeg na die vrugterakke.En: They move to the fruit racks.Af: Johan stoot die waentjie effens stadiger, sy gedagtes draai terug na hul kinderjare.En: Johan pushes the cart a little slower, his thoughts drifting back to their childhood.Af: "Onthou jy daardie keer met die waatlemoene, toe een van hulle gebars het in die kombuis?" vra hy skalks.En: "Do you remember that time with the watermelons when one of them burst in the kitchen?" he asks slyly.Af: Anel lag effens ongeërg, terwyl haar vingers op die foon klik.En: Anel laughs somewhat carelessly, while her fingers click on the phone.Af: "Ja, groot gemors," antwoord sy vinnig.En: "Yeah, big mess," she responds quickly.Af: Die passies en simboliek van lentetyd spoel oor die winkel.En: The passion and symbolism of springtime wash over the store.Af: Johan hou sy oë oop vir ander herinneringe wat tussen die rakke skuil.En: Johan keeps his eyes open for other memories hiding among the shelves.Af: By die melk en kaas-afdeling probeer hy weer: "Jy onthou mos hoe ons ons eie kaas gemaak het daardie somer?"En: At the milk and cheese section, he tries again: "You remember how we made our own cheese that summer?"Af: Anel glimlag effens breër.En: Anel smiles slightly broader.Af: Haar oë bly egter steeds op die skerm.En: However, her eyes still remain on the screen.Af: Johan sug.En: Johan sighs.Af: Hulle skuif na die volgende afdeling.En: They move to the next section.Af: Hy voel die tyd wegglip, sy hoop om met Anel...