A Journey of Lost Treasures and New Beginnings at Thulamela

FluentFiction - Afrikaans - Ein Podcast von FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: A Journey of Lost Treasures and New Beginnings at Thulamela Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/af/episode/2025-02-19-23-34-02-af Story Transcript:Af: Onder die helder, warm somerson oor die landskap van Mapungubwe Nasionale Park, vou die storie van Karel en Leonie oop.En: Under the bright, warm summer sun over the landscape of Mapungubwe Nasionale Park, the story of Karel and Leonie unfolds.Af: Die ou stad van Thulamela, met sy verweerde klipmure en goudgeel gras, was 'n bestemming vol misterie en geskiedenis.En: The ancient city of Thulamela, with its weathered stone walls and golden-yellow grass, was a destination full of mystery and history.Af: Karel, die ouer broer met 'n liefde vir die verlede, en sy suster Leonie, die dromerige jong dogtertjie, stap versigtig deur die ruïnes.En: Karel, the older brother with a love for the past, and his sister Leonie, the dreamy young girl, walk carefully through the ruins.Af: Dit was hul eerste keer hier sedert hul ouers geskei is, en Karel het gehoop hierdie reis sou hulle nader aan mekaar bring.En: It was their first time here since their parents divorced, and Karel hoped this trip would bring them closer to each other.Af: Leonie voel onseker.En: Leonie feels uncertain.Af: Alles het verander sedert die skeiding; tuis voel sy dikwels alleen.En: Everything has changed since the separation; at home, she often feels alone.Af: Sy mis die dae toe hul gesin heel was.En: She misses the days when their family was whole.Af: Karel merk die stilte op sy suster se gesig en probeer 'n glimlag uit haar lok.En: Karel notices the silence on his sister's face and tries to coax a smile from her.Af: Hy stappen nader aan haar en sê: "Het jy geweet, Leonie, dat hierdie mure stories kan vertel?En: He steps closer to her and says, "Did you know, Leonie, that these walls can tell stories?Af: Elke klip dra 'n geheime geskiedenis."En: Every stone carries a secret history."Af: Leonie kyk skepties, "Stories?En: Leonie looks skeptical, "Stories?Af: Watse stories, Karel?"En: What kinds of stories, Karel?"Af: Haar nuuskierigheid is liggies geprikkel, maar sy bly afsydig.En: Her curiosity is slightly piqued, but she remains distant.Af: "Ek het gehoor," sê Karel, "van 'n antieke koning wat hier regeer het.En: "I heard," says Karel, "about an ancient king who ruled here.Af: Hy het 'n pragtige goue troon gehad, so groot soos hierdie hele muur."En: He had a magnificent golden throne, as big as this entire wall."Af: Hy wys dramaties na 'n hoë klipstruktuur.En: He gestures dramatically to a tall stone structure.Af: "Miskien het ons dit nog nie ontdek nie."En: "Maybe we haven't discovered it yet."Af: Leonie glimlag effens, maar dan raak haar gesig weer ernstig.En: Leonie smiles slightly, but then her face becomes serious again.Af: "Mamma het vir my hierdie ketting gegee," sê sy terwyl sy daaraan raak.En: "Mom gave me this necklace," she says as she touches it.Af: "Dit is die enigste ding wat ek het wat aan haar kant is."En: "It's the only thing I have that's from her side."Af: Terwyl hulle verder stap, glip die ketting skielik uit Leonie se hand en val tussen die klippe.En: As they continue their walk, the necklace suddenly slips from Leonie's hand and falls between the stones.Af: Paniekerig probeer sy dit gryp, maar dit is weg.En: Panicked, she tries to grab it, but it's gone.Af: "Karel," huil...

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