A Harmonious Spring: Tradition Meets Innovation at Kirstenbosch

FluentFiction - Afrikaans - Ein Podcast von FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: A Harmonious Spring: Tradition Meets Innovation at Kirstenbosch Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/af/episode/2024-11-12-23-34-02-af Story Transcript:Af: Kirstenbosch Nasionale Botaniese Tuin is ’n juweel in die hart van Kaapstad.En: Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden is a jewel in the heart of Kaapstad.Af: Die tuin is pragtig in die lente.En: The garden is beautiful in the spring.Af: Oral sien mens kleure en ruik mens die vars geur van bloeisels.En: Everywhere you see colors and smell the fresh scent of blossoms.Af: Piet en Anika werk saam as deel van die tuinspan.En: Piet and Anika work together as part of the garden team.Af: Hulle het 'n groot taak.En: They have a big task.Af: Dit is lente, en die groot somer-feeste is om die draai.En: It's spring, and the big summer festivals are around the corner.Af: Almal sien uit na die wonderlike vertonings.En: Everyone looks forward to the wonderful performances.Af: Piet is toegewyd.En: Piet is dedicated.Af: Hy werk al jare hier en ken al die hoekies en draai van die tuin.En: He has worked here for years and knows all the nooks and crannies of the garden.Af: Hy doen alles volgens die boek, en sy metodes is al jare suksesvol.En: He does everything by the book, and his methods have been successful for years.Af: In sy oë moet alles perfek wees vir die gaste.En: In his eyes, everything must be perfect for the guests.Af: Anika is jonk en vol idees.En: Anika is young and full of ideas.Af: Sy is passievol oor die omgewing en wil nuwe, volhoubare maniere gebruik om die tuin te versorg.En: She is passionate about the environment and wants to use new, sustainable methods to care for the garden.Af: Sy dink aan die toekoms en hoe die tuin nog pragtiger kan wees as die ekosisteem goed gesond is.En: She thinks about the future and how the garden can be even more beautiful if the ecosystem is healthy.Af: Een helder Lentemôre, Anika nader Piet by die roosbed.En: One bright spring morning, Anika approaches Piet at the rose bed.Af: "Ek het 'n idee," sê sy.En: "I have an idea," she says.Af: "Wat as ons 'n deel van die tuin gebruik om meer inheems en volhoubaar te plant?En: "What if we use part of the garden to plant more native and sustainable plants?Af: Dit sal meer insekte en voëls lok.En: It will attract more insects and birds."Af: "Piet kyk oor sy skouer na die netjiese rye wat hy met liefde versorg het.En: Piet looks over his shoulder at the neat rows he has lovingly tended.Af: Hy is skepties.En: He is skeptical.Af: "Ek verstaan jou punt, maar ons het ’n standaard om te handhaaf.En: "I understand your point, but we have a standard to maintain.Af: Die mense kom hier vir die pragtige blomtuine," sê hy.En: People come here for the beautiful flower gardens," he says.Af: Anika glimlag, maar sy is vasberade.En: Anika smiles, but she is determined.Af: "Maar Piet, verbeeld jou hoe vrolik en lewendig daardie gedeelte kan wees.En: "But Piet, imagine how cheerful and lively that area could be.Af: Dit kan 'n trekpleister wees!En: It could be a highlight!"Af: "Die gesprek vorder nie.En: The discussion doesn't progress.Af: Tot op 'n dag, die lente-reën spring uit die hemel.En: Until one day, the spring rain bursts from the sky.Af: Hulle skuil in die kweekhuis.En: They take shelter in...

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