Floppy Days 55 - VCFSE 4 Preview with Earl Baugh
Floppy Days Vintage Computing Podcast - Ein Podcast von Randy Kindig

Hello, welcome to Floppy Days Podcast #55. This a special interview show to help get the word out about an upcoming event: Vintage Computer Festival Southeast version 4. My special guest is Earl Baugh of the Atlanta Historical Computing Society. He tells us all about the event, including special guest speakers that will be there, exhibits, gaming areas, a workshop where you can learn to solder and much more. If you can make it to Roswell, Georgia, the weekend of April 2 & 3, 2016, I highly recommend that you drop in and enjoy the show. Links VCF East 4.0 - http://vcfed.org/wp/festivals/vintage-computer-festival-southeast-4-0/ Kickstarter - https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/302393381/help-fund-the-vintage-computer-festival-southeast-1