Floppy Days 54 - TRS-80 Trash Talk Podcast Promo
Floppy Days Vintage Computing Podcast - Ein Podcast von Randy Kindig

Hello and welcome to a special episode (#54) of the Floppy Days Podcast. For this episode, I am announcing involvement in a new podcast that I’m very excited about. Peter Cetinski, a well-known figure in the TRS-80 community as a result of some great software that he’s written for the platform, contacted me and others about doing a podcast about the TRS-80 line. This is a major line of historically significant computers and has sorely needed its own podcast. I wanted to help kick off the new podcast and promote it, so I invited all the members of the podcast to come onto Floppy Days and talk about it. Please enjoy. Links Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/trs80trashtalk/ Web Site - http://www.trs80trashtalk.com/ Pete Cetinski’s TRS-80 Software Page - http://pski.net/category/retro/ Peter Bartlett’s Web Site - http://bartlettlabs.com/ Ian Mavric’s Web Site - http://ianmav.customer.netspace.net.au/trs80/