Floppy Days 35 - VCFSE 3.0 Preview with Earl Baugh
Floppy Days Vintage Computing Podcast - Ein Podcast von Randy Kindig

Hello, welcome to the Floppy Days Podcast. My name is Randy Kindig and this a special interview show to help get the word out about an upcoming event: Vintage Computer Festival Southeast. This will be the third iteration of this event and I talk with Earl Baugh, of the Atlanta Historical Computing Society. He tells us all about the event, including special guest speakers that will be there, exhibits, gaming areas, a workshop where you can learn to solder and much more. If you can make it to Roswell, Georgia, the weekend of May 2 & 3, 2015, I highly recommend that you drop in and enjoy the show. Links VCF East 3.0 - http://www.vintage.org/2015/southeast/ Kickstarter - https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/20859909/help-fund-the-vintage-computer-festival-southeast-0