Floppy Days 102 - The BBC Micro, Part 3
Floppy Days Vintage Computing Podcast - Ein Podcast von Randy Kindig

The BBC Micro, Part 3 with Daniel Jameson Hello, and welcome to episode 102 of the Floppy Days Podcast for December, 2020. I just love these old machines and love to learn and talk about them. The year is 1981 and we are talking about the legendary BBC Micro or Beeb as it’s affectionately known. This is the final episode on this incredible machine, where we will be covering Ads and Appearances, Modern Upgrades, Emulators, Buying One Today, Community, and current Web Sites. Again, as with the last episode, since the BBC Micro is a British machine I thought it only right that my co-host for these episodes should be someone from the UK. Daniel Jameson, a prominent member of the stardot forums, graciously agreed to help me with this and provide the “color” commentary during this episode. I think he adds a lot to the show. Before getting into the details of the Beeb, I will talk a bit about new acquisitions and what I’ve been up to, a very brief mention of any upcoming shows, and then right into the meat of the episode. New Acquisitions PC Junior VGA video card - https://www.ebay.com/itm/164149429851 C64 TapeCart - https://www.c64-wiki.com/wiki/Tapecart FujiNet for Atari 800/800XL - https://fujinet.online/shop/ book “Beneath Apple DOS and ProDOS 2020” By Don Worth, Pieter Lechner - https://www.lulu.com/en/us/shop/pieter-lechner-and-don-worth/beneath-apple-dos-and-prodos-2020/paperback/product-g9kwzm.html?page=1&pageSize=4 MVT100 - https://bitchin100.com/wiki/index.php?title=VT100 - Steve Adolph Apple IIC composite cable - https://www.ebay.com/itm/Apple-IIc-2c-DB15-Color-Composite-Video-amp-Audio-Cable-Tested-/233772943854?nma=true&si=tHD2mKl633oUtVis3c7Y7F3AfKY%253D&orig_cvip=true&nordt=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557 ZXpand+ - https://www.sellmyretro.com/ MISE/FreHD cases: re490 https://www.ebay.com/itm/Custom-3D-Printed-2-color-Case-Enclosure-for-TRS-80-MISE-w-Pads-screws-NEW-/124383293703?hash=item1cf5d27107 https://www.ebay.com/itm/Custom-3D-Printed-2-Color-Case-Enclosure-for-TRS-80-FreHD-w-Pads-screws-NEW-/124383299365?hash=item1cf5d28725 Upcoming Shows April 9, 10 & 11, 2021: Vintage Computer Festival East June 11-13, 2021: http://southernfriedgameroomexpo.com/ August 7 & 8, 2021: Vintage Computer Festival West Feedback Adam Trionfo - Computer and Videogame Collection - Video 1 - Books, Books and More... Books! - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1GhMBeqkfB8 Ads and Appearances Starring the Computer - http://www.starringthecomputer.com/ 1980s BBC Micro Used By Everyone/The Story of Daphne Ad - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m6GQaC4Em8E ads at 8bs.com - http://8bs.com/othrdnld/manuals/ads.shtml ads at vintagecomputing.com - http://www.vintagecomputing.com/index.php/archives/657 Vintage PC Ads - https://twitter.com/vintage_pc_ads https://twitter.com/vintage_pc_ads/status/938943770065764355/photo/1 https://twitter.com/vintage_pc_ads/status/954526425599676416/photo/1 4Corn Computers - http://4corn.co.uk/8bit.php Modern Upgrades RetroClinic’s “INTERNAL RASPBERRY PI 1GHz MULTI-CORE CO-PROCESSOR KIT” uses a Raspberry Pi to emulate a number of the Tube processor expansions - https://www.ebay.co.uk/str/retroclinic TheFutureWas8Bit “SD2BBC BBC Micro SPI SD Card Interface” - SD2BBC SPROW Ethernet Adapter - http://www.sprow.co.uk/bbc/masternet.htm Acorn BBC Micro RGB SCART - Cool Novelties Acorn BBC Micro RGB SCART - RetroComputerShack RGB to HDMI directly using RPi Zero https://stardot.org.uk/forums/viewtopic.php?t=14430&start=90 https://stardot.org.uk/forums/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=20404 GreaseWeazle - https://github.com/keirf/Greaseweazle modern USB mouse adapter - SmallyMouse - https://www.domesday86.com/?page_id=245 Emulation BBC Micro emulators - Emulation General Wiki B-EM - The BBC Micro Emulator , https://github.com/stardot/b-em BeebEm - BBC Micro and Master 128 Emulator BeebEm For Mac BeebEm for UNIX - http://beebem-unix.bbcmicro.com/ JSBeeb: JSBeeb - Javascript BBC Micro emulator https://github.com/mattgodbolt/jsbeeb The Complete BBC Games Archive a website holding nearly all software for the BBC Micro, most with links to play online for free in JSBeeb. Matt Godbolt’s blog and videos - https://xania.org/Emulation model-b, a BBC Micro Emulator for Windows b2 - https://stardot.org.uk/forums/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=13081 , https://github.com/tom-seddon/b2/releases Community Facebook Acorn Computer and BBC Micro Enthusiasts - https://www.facebook.com/groups/AcornAndBBCMicro/ Mailing Lists - BBC Micro mailing list - http://lists.cloud9.co.uk/mailman/listinfo/bbc-micro Twitter - BBC Micro (@acornproton) - https://twitter.com/acornproton Forums AtariAge - http://www.atariage.com stardot.org.uk 6502.org - http://forum.6502.org/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=3482 Current Web Sites General Info BBC Micro - Tips BeebMaster BeebWiki BBC Micro - Wikipedia Inside The Master 128 - Motherboard picture mdfs.net - Software and documentation covering such subjects as Acorn BBCs, Econet and networking R. T. Russell: The home of BBC BASIC The BBC lives! Sprow's webpages - BBC Mecca The Retro-Kit Collection Yellow Pigs BBC Computer Pages BBC and Master Computer PD Library 8 Bit Acorn Webring The BBC micro as a `multi-multimeter' - https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1989PhyEd..24...44T/abstract Vic from the 10pence Arcade podcast recently teamed up with Kingy from the RGDS podcast presenters to talk about some of the games for the BBC Micro The Press Play on Tape podcast also did an episode on Acorn a few years back Stores RetroClinic | eBay Stores - Mark Haysman Cool Novelties - BBC Micro & Acorn - Retro Gaming, Electronics and Novelty Gifts DataServe Retro - repair BBC PS - Steve Gledhill