How Did a 21-Year Old Become an Amazon Best Seller and Marketing Expert - Carson Spitzke

Unlock the secrets to explosive business growth with growth marketing guru Carson Spitzke, founder of Spitz Solutions, in a candid conversation that transforms his competitive athlete's spirit into entrepreneurial gold. Journey with us as Carson lays out the roadmap for becoming an Amazon bestseller, highlighting how strategic moves with minimal effort lead to outsized success. From the ice rink to the marketplace, his story is an adrenaline rush of smart marketing tactics, and he generously shares these insights to help you replicate his winning formula in your own ventures.Weathering hurricanes and market volatility, this episode is a treasure trove of resilience, showcasing why embracing failure is not just important but necessary. We dissect the complexities of decision-making, proving that data trumps emotion every time. Austin Carson adds a layer of intensity, discussing the mindset that sets successful entrepreneurs apart. His candid reflection on the freedom entrepreneurship affords over traditional employment is both refreshing and invigorating. Eager to learn from someone who's navigated the highs and lows of running a business? Austin extends an invitation to connect, promising a glimpse into the unyielding determination behind entrepreneurial success. Support the Show.

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THANK YOU TO OUR 20,000+ LISTENERS! We are so thankful to be one of the TOP E-Commerce Podcasts delivering high-quality authentic content to you! Serial Entrepreneur’s David Schomer and Ken Wilson share tips, advice, and insider knowledge about all things Amazon FBA, Walmart WFS, and E-Commerce. Discover how you can create multiple income streams by selling physical products online so that you can have the time and freedom to do what you love - whether that is spending more time with family or traveling the world. Ken and David have successfully created several six and seven figure online business ventures. During the journey, they have had major wins, losses, and lessons learned. This podcast will teach you about selling physical products online through platforms such as Fulfillment by Amazon, building a team, outsourcing, listing optimization, pay per click (PPC) advertising, driving traffic to your listings, and productivity tips / life hacks that will provide a path to be successful in building your online business. It’s a mix of interviews, special co-hosts and solo shows from Ken and David you’re not going to want to miss. Hit subscribe, and get ready to change your life.