Hey friend! Welcome to The Filter Free Beauty Podcast! I’m Emily Odom and I’m SO excited you’re here with me! For over ten years I’ve worked in the beauty industry as a professional hair and makeup artist and it’s been a freaking JOY. But I wanted to be able to help way more than the 5 women in a bridal party each Saturday afternoon in June. I want to share everything I’ve learned for EVERYDAY women. Need something fancy shmancy for your wedding? I gotchu. Wanna learn to create a sexy look for date night? I’m here for it. Just want to know how to cover dark circles when you’re only getting 3 very interrupted hours of sleep with a newborn? I’m. Your. Girl.   I know it’s pretty easy to get lost in the hole that is instagram or youtube makeup tutorials. And honestly, most of them are for crazy runway looks that normal humans would never have a clue how to actually put on, let alone wear them to a grocery store. That’s what this podcast is about. Like you're sitting down with a girlfriend and chatting about life, but also, does hemorrhoid cream really help puffy eyes? And what the heck am I supposed to do with my eyebrows?!    Join me each week as I break down a new topic for you to show that feeling comfortable doing your hair and makeup is totally possible. Promise. We’ve got the world telling us enough rules and expectations for us to live up to. Not here. This is beauty for real women. This is The Filter Free Beauty Podcast.

Om Podcasten

I’m Emily Odom and I’m a professional hair and makeup artist and even *I* know how overwhelming all of that can be. We’re gonna chat all things beauty just like you would with your best friend over a cup of coffee or glass of wine (no judgment here!) and peel back that ridiculously intimidating curtain of beauty for women. We’ll talk makeup techniques, hair routines, my favorite products, and a whole lot more. Beauty for real women. No rules, no expectations, no filter. This is The Filter Free Beauty Podcast.