Ep 59: Emmy award winner, LINDA MIDGETT! NBC-Universal, Discovery, PBS, and National Geographic

LINDA MIDGETT is an independent documentary filmmaker, TV producer and screenwriter with writing, producing and directing credits on many major networks, including NBC-Universal, The History Channel, A&E, Discovery, PBS, National Geographic and LMN (Lifetime Movie Network). Her work has won numerous awards, including two Emmys.

Linda’s documentary credits includes Hometown Stories: The Greek-Americans of Charlotte for PBS, which won a regional Emmy for best cultural documentary; Through My Eyes, a documentary about teens struggling with suicide, depression and eating disorders. Through My Eyes was nominated for a regional Emmy, and was awarded the national Voice Award for excellence in mental health programming; The Line, a film about people living below the poverty line, commissioned by social justice organization Sojourners; and The Stranger, a film on immigration reform commissioned by the Evangelical Immigration Table.

Linda lives in Baton Rouge, LA with her husband, John, and two children.

INSTAGRAM: suzukiingerslev

Website: www.suzukiingerslev.com

If you liked this podcast, shoot me an e-mail at [email protected]

Also, you can check out my documentary The People of Brixton, on Kwelitv here: www.kweli.tv/programs/the-peopl…xton?autoplay=true

Damien Swaby Social Media Links:

Instagram www.instagram.com/damien_swaby_video_producer/



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Discover the world of independent film with Filmmaking Conversations with Damien Swaby!From industry professionals to the next generation of filmmakers, Damien Swaby brings his unique perspectives on indie filmmaking and the conversations that are taking place across the community.Listeners will find inspiration and guidance from conversations on the podcast and leave armed with the knowledge to make their own indie films.Tune in to Filmmaking Conversations with Damien Swaby today!Proud Member of the IFH Podcast Network (www.ifhpodcastnetwork.com)