Superblocks and tactical urbanism – who owns Barcelona‘s streets?

Filling the Sink - Ein Podcast von catalannews

A look at Barcelona's fascinating urban history and bold plans for the future. Dr Zaida Muxí Martínez from the Barcelona School of Architecture at UPC explains the challenges facing the city as it seeks to transform its public spaces. Cillian Shields visits a so-called superblock in the Sant Antoni neighborhood to see if cars, bicycles, electric scooters and pedestrians can co-exist. Alan Ruiz Terol recounts the history of Barcelona, from the ancient Roman walled city to Ildefons Cerdà's 19th century expansion plan. This week's Catalan phrase is "ser mes vell que l'anar a peu," which means "to be older than going on foot." Presented by Lorcan Doherty. 

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