192 - My Fitness Journey 20 Years Later: From Self-Hate to Self-Love & Sustainable Success

Join Amy in her inspiring fitness journey, starting from her childhood struggles with weight and body image. She recalls being put on diets as a young child and facing teasing due to her weight. Her mother's constant dieting influenced her own approach to weight management as she grew older. She went through various weight loss methods, including extreme calorie restriction, intense cardio workouts, and following strict meal plans with macro tracking. However, despite losing weight, she still struggled with self-hate and body image issues. Discover how she overcame food obsessions, cheating the system, and learned to keep promises to herself, leading to sustainable success in fitness and life.

Om Podcasten

A strategic podcast where Amy Ledin talks about the main F’s that have influenced her life and have helped her in creating her best self. She covers areas in faith, family, forgiveness, food, fitness, and formula. She will deep dive into how placing her baby for adoption at 18, losing almost 100 pounds, facing her marriage-ending affair, and battling stage 4 cancer for almost 7 years, has only made her stronger. Join Amy as she takes you through her story, her life-changing struggles, and shares with you the tactical strategies every single week that will help you thrive and overcome ANYTHING you face.