If You Could Only Take 2 Ingredients to Improve Eye Health

Discover valuable insights for maintaining healthy eyes and overall wellness in this episode of the EyeClarity podcast with Dr. Sam. Explore the significance of lutein, a powerful carotenoid that offers protection against blue light and ultraviolet rays, reducing the risk of macular degeneration and related conditions. Learn about essential foods rich in lutein, such as green leafy vegetables, eggs, avocados, and colorful fruits. Dr. Sam also emphasizes the importance of fat optimization for absorbing these nutrients efficiently. Tune in for expert advice on optimizing eye health through nutrition and supplementation. Enjoy the show! If you want more, sign up for my newsletter at: www.drsamberne.com. If you have any questions, submit them to [email protected]. For even more from Dr. Sam, check out his new exclusive membership where you get access to my content and resources, new information, articles, videos, webinars: drsambernesmembership.com -- Hello, everyone. It's Dr. Sam. I'd like to welcome you to my EyeClarity podcast. This is a show that offers cutting-edge information on how to improve your vision and overall wellness through holistic methods. I so appreciate you spending part of your day with me. If you have questions, you can send them to [email protected]. Now to the latest EyeClarity episode. Hey, everybody. Welcome to the program. So today I'm going to talk about two essential nutrients not only for your eye health, but your overall wellness. So my first one is kind of famous. It was discovered and developed and talked about way back in 2001 during the Arid Study. That's the age-related macular degeneration study, and it was also repeated in 2006. And in this particular study, the National Eye Institute decided it wanted to know what ingredients could help reduce the risk of macular degeneration. And the number one nutrient that I want to talk about today is lutein. L-U-T-E-I-N. So lutein is a carotenoid. This means that it has a pigment attached to it that has a high level of phytochemicals and antioxidants that are great for your retina and macula, specifically the macula. Highest levels of lutein in the eye are in the macula area and the lens of the eye. In fact, lutein can be used as a biomarker to determine what's the state of your eye health. Now, one of the characteristics of lutein is that it actually is like a yellow pigment. And when we see it on the macula, it's actually like a protection against the damaging blue light that's emitted from all our screens. It also helps protect if you have an overexposure of ultraviolet light. So lutein is a built-in pigment that is very protective, especially against. Things like macular degeneration, macular pucker, macular holes, macular edema. And so lutein is that number one ingredient that I always recommend. If you are either wanting to be proactive in your eye health or let's say you've been diagnosed with one of these macular conditions lutein should be something you want to keep your eye on. So before I get to the supplementation aspect of lutein, I want to give you ten foods that you can check off your list to make sure if you're wanting to get more lutein in your diet, include these. So number one is green leafy vegetables. Number two are the cruciferous vegetables, specifically broccoli, but I would include all the cruciferous vegetables. Number three would be eggs, specifically the egg yolk. This has a lot of lutein in it. Obviously, you want to get the cage-free organic eggs, but eggs are a great food source for lutein and your overall eye health. Alright, next are avocados. I talk about avocados all the time. Again, if you think about that yellow pigment when you cut into an avocado,

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Using the eyes and vision as a portal into systemic health. Dr. Sam Berne is a progressive and empowering thought leader helping you strengthen your sight.