EEC 104: From Bombing Speeches to Becoming World Champion of Public Speaking
Excellent Executive Coaching: Growing Your Business and Enhancing Your Craft. - Ein Podcast von Dr. Katrina Burrus PhD, MCC - Dienstags

Dr. Katrina Burrus interviews a World Champion of Public Speaking: Darren LaCroix. You’ve been coaching professional speakers, corporate presenters, executives as far away as Ukraine, what do you see at the biggest mistakes more presenters make? How can presenters create Unforgettable Presentations? I know you teach experts to build their business through speaking, why do emphasize multiple streams of expert income? You talk a great deal about stories, why are stories so important in presentations? Who is Darren LaCroix Darren travels the world demystifying the process of creating a powerful presentation. His story has roused audiences in faraway places like Australia, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, China, Oman, Malaysia, and Taiwan with his inspirational journey from Chump to Champ. He is passionate about showing people that if you are a sponge and have the right mentors, anything is possible. Darren is currently the only speaker in the world who is a CSP (Certified Speaking Professional), an AS (Accredited Speaker), and a World Champion of Public Speaking. Darren always stresses, “Don’t go for the designations to get letters after your name; do it for the professional you will become in the process.” It says that in high school you were a quiet shy kid who dreamed of being a comedian, but you were considered “Least Likely to ever be funny”, you bombed in a Boston Comedy Club in Boston in 1992 and nine years later you outspoke 25,000 contestants from 14 countries to become the World Champion of Public Speaking…with a very funny speech! Sponsored by NSA (Las Vegas)