David Moreno of Virtualware
Everything VR & AR - Ein Podcast von The VRAR Association
This week, Tyler and Sophia had an opportunity to sit down with David Moreno, Head of Marketing and Business Development at Virtualware. We discussed both the opportunities and challenges associated with building a company around an emerging technology. With over a decade of experience in the industry, David and Virtualware’s story is bound to motivate and inspire any budding immersive technology entrepreneur. Links: LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/damoca/ Twitter: @_damoca @tylerhgates @sophiamosh Virtualware https://www.virtualwareco.com/ GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy Revolutionize Workforce Training https://www.virtualwareco.com/news/revolutionize-workforce-training-vr-immersive-rooms/ University of El Retoño Creates The Biggest Education VR Center in the world https://www.virtualwareco.com/news/the-vr-center-university-retono-unveiled/ Visit the VR/AR Association at www.TheVRARA.com for more information about how you can get involved with this worldwide organization to help gain exposure and share ideas and best practices with other experts in the industry.Subscribe to the podcast wherever podcasts are found or listen to past interviews at www.TheVRARA.com/podcast