Mary Meduna-Gross - Moving Past Old Programming to Create a New Reality

Unity Manifest - Ein Podcast von Gary Cocciolillo

About: I’ve always had a sense that my purpose is to help others reach their full potential. So, I became a special education teacher and showed my students how to manage their emotions so that they were empowered to be included with their peers. I enjoyed this so much, I took on a leadership position so that I could help teachers empower their students as well. Here, I met challenges and resistance that I did not know how to address. One afternoon, I felt stuck, and had no idea where to turn next. At that moment, I accepted the fact that I must be contributing to this problem, but I had no idea how or what to do about it. I heard myself say aloud, “I wish I had a coach”. I believed that a coach would help me uncover how I was contributing to my own challenges and with this insight, I’d know how to shift. I didn’t even know that coaching was a thing at that time. When I researched it, I discovered that coaching was perfectly aligned with my purpose of helping others reach their full potential. Immediately, I decided to resign my job and to become the coach I wished I had. Through the training and coaching I’ve participated in since that day, I have uncovered and let go of so many of the stories at the root of my own limitations. With each experience of resolution, I find myself becoming more and more at ease with myself and with others. My goal through coaching is to help my clients achieve heart-centered business growth that allows them to create the life they love! I work mostly with female entrepreneurs to help them pursue their most authentic self while making a profitable living. Bio

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