Breaking Barriers and Building Businesses: Stratix' Cofounder Bonney Shuman's Journey

As Stratix celebrates 40 years of great success in business, we went back to the beginning with cofounder Bonney Shuman in this podcast to talk about how the company got started, the challenges of launching a startup, and how Stratix evolved into what it is now.  In the 80s, the technology we were selling was still in its infancy, and Shuman literally had to write the book on some of it. As she recounts, her time was often split between playing teacher as well as saleswoman. Today, Bonney is paying it forward, helping young women become as successful in business as she has been. 

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Authentic conversations with technology leaders about how mobile-first strategies are shaping the way enterprises serve customers and drive revenue. We cover a range of topics to keep you informed on the latest mobile technology trends.