S2 Ep. 19 - The Collective Shadow of the Three Instincts and Body Types (Part 3 of 4)
Enneagram 2.0 with Beatrice Chestnut and Uranio Paes - Ein Podcast von Chestnut Paes Enneagram Academy - Donnerstags

Thus far in our Shadows series, we have covered the individual shadows of the nine types. But what are the collective shadows and how can we use them to become more aware of the social problems that face us? In this episode, Beatrice Chestnut and Uranio Paes cover the shadows of the three instincts (self-preservation, social, and sexual). They cover the collective shadows of the body types, Type Eight, Type Nine, and Type One. They not only tell us how those shadows impact us but also how overcoming those shadows can improve our social realities. In this episode, they share the TOP 5 most sentimental Types. Here is the transcript from that 30-second section starting at 20:07 Uranio: Also the risk of invalidation of certain beliefs or social classes at times, hierarchies that are not healthy. And also, you know, more modernly, I think the culture of canceling people is a big thing coming from the social shadow. But what did you find out in your study around that? By the way, you can watch and listen to our episodes now. To watch the recordings, check out our YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/ChestnutPaesEnneagramAcademy. Videos are not currently supported on other major podcast media. If you want to discover which Enneagram Type you could be, visit our webpage cpenneagram.com/compass to learn about the Enneagram Test they launched, CPS Enneagram Compass. If you have enjoyed this podcast, please subscribe and share it with others that you think would enjoy it. It will help us out a lot! Check out https://learn.cpenneagram.com to learn more about our online learning portal. You can sign up for FREE and enjoy complex discussions with fellow Enneagram enthusiasts. Follow us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/cpenneagram/! And check out our Calendar of Events https://cpenneagram.com/live-courses to study with Bea and Uranio directly! Questions? [email protected].