600 - Talking About Sight

English as a Second Language (ESL) Podcast - Learn English Online


Slow dialogue: 1:07 Explanations: 2:45 Fast dialogue: 15:19 Sue: This medication I’m taking is messing with my vision. Everything is blurry. Hamed: That’s a good reason for you to stay home from work today. Sue: I can’t. I have to give a presentation this afternoon and I can’t flake out on my coworkers. Hamed: What good are you to them if you’re blind as a bat? Sue: Everybody else will have crystal clear vision, so all I have to do is to put in an appearance. Things may not be as sharp as I’d like them to be, but I can still make out people and objects – as long as they’re really big. Hamed: I don’t think your coworkers are going to want you to blindside them today with your strange behavior. You’re going to do more harm than good. Sue: I can see well enough. I only see double if I move my head like this. Whoa… Hamed: At this point, I don’t care if you have X-ray vision. That medication is affecting more than your vision. It’s impairing your better judgment! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse