Pluralsight, Courses, and Elixir the Big Picture ft. AJ Foster - EMx 263

Elixir Mix - Ein Podcast von Charles M Wood

AJ Foster is a developer at Pluralsight. He talks about the course he made for Pluralsight about Elixir and then talks about how Elixir was brought into Pluralsight, both into their catalog of courses as well as into the tech stack for the company.LinksElixir: The Big PictureKeith Elder - Building A Highly Scalable Service that Survived A Super Bowl | Code BEAM SF 19Elixir DiffErlang - heartPRINCIPLES OF CHAOS ENGINEERINGGitHub: AJ Foster ( aj-foster )Twitter: AJ Foster ( @Austin_J_Foster ) PicksAJ- GitHub | aj-foster/absinthe-socket-transportAJ- FIRSTAllen- Keith Elder - Building A Highly Scalable Service that Survived A Super Bowl | Code BEAM SF 19Allen- Zero To Production In RustEric- Hardcore ZenSascha- Erlang in AngerBecome a supporter of this podcast:

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