237. Celebrating yet another Unhappy Earth Day, every day.

Waylon encourages us to honor Earth Day every day, not just one day a year. Giving a care for our one and only planet is not about being perfect, or being a goody-two-shoes, but about living a mindful life and ensuring future generations can as well. "Ultimately, like any kind of love, any kind of open heart, caring is ultimately our only conduit or connection to a meaningful life—even if sometimes caring means we're sad. Let's try to actually honor Earth Day and actually honor equity and actually honor and address our climate crisis in a meaningful way." ~ Waylon Lewis  Subscribe to get our full conversations weekly.

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Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis about walking our talk—every day, in every moment. It ain’t about being perfect. Waylon Lewis, founder of Elephant Journal, talks about everyday Buddhism, meditation, eco-actions large and small, and features conversations with leading mindful thought leaders, both famous and overlooked.