205. Healing our Planet through our Yards—Waylon learns from Aaron Michael of "Earth Love Gardens."

In this episode of Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis, an award-winning video and podcast series hosted by Elephant Journal, Aaron Michael of Earth Love Gardens schools Elephant readers (and Waylon) on how you can love your yard (or windowsill) and our planet. He gives practical, fun tips for gently caring for our yards in an environmentally-responsible way, and reminds us of how we can participate in the healing of our planet, and ourselves, through small, simple choices. "Being disconnected with our earth is behind so many of society's issues. That if we can find that reconnection again with Earth, within ourselves, and with each other—that's what society is missing." ~ Aaron Michael *Please note that this is a partial conversation. Only Subscribers get the full video conversation. Learn more.

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Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis about walking our talk—every day, in every moment. It ain’t about being perfect. Waylon Lewis, founder of Elephant Journal, talks about everyday Buddhism, meditation, eco-actions large and small, and features conversations with leading mindful thought leaders, both famous and overlooked.