201. Rachelle Robinett on Herbalism 101, on Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis.

Rachelle Robinett of Pharmakon Supernatural schools Waylon Lewis (and all of us) on some herbalism basics: how to determine good quality products, what to look for when buying herbs, common kitchen medicines, and how to get started re: herbalism. "I am hopeful that the future includes one in which Western medicine can be inclusive of herbalism, and vice versa that there's a better balance—because there are times where we need medication, we need surgery, we need the blunter instrument that Western medicine often is. And there's so much herbalism can do in preventative care that'll lessen the burden on the healthcare system." ~ Rachelle Robinett *Please note that this is a partial conversation. Only Subscribers get the full video conversation. Learn more.

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Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis about walking our talk—every day, in every moment. It ain’t about being perfect. Waylon Lewis, founder of Elephant Journal, talks about everyday Buddhism, meditation, eco-actions large and small, and features conversations with leading mindful thought leaders, both famous and overlooked.