El sótano - Los viajes de El Sótano - 31/07/24

El sótano - Ein Podcast von Radio 3


Canciones evocadoras, ritmos relajados, atmósferas envolventes. Disfruta del viaje.(Foto del podcast; La Luz)Playlist;(sintonía) LA LUZ “Reaching up to the sun”LA LUZ “Good luck with your secret”ALLAH-LAS “Right on time”MYSTIC BRAVES “All your love”THE LOONS “When she sleeps”SHANNON and THE CLAMS “The vow”THE COURETTES “Never my love”THE NUDE PARTY “Midnight at Lafayette Park”THE BEVIS FROND “Focus on nature”CALEXICO “Alone again or”GREG PREVOST “A message to pretty”TY SEGALL “Don’t lie”THE SADIES “All the good”FOGBOUND “When the drugs kick in”MOOON “Living in the night”NICK WATERHOUSE “Unreal, unmaterial”JIM JONES ALL STARS “Your arms will be the heavens”

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