El sótano - Favoritas del mes - 01/11/24
El sótano - Ein Podcast von Radio 3

Echamos a la marmita algunas de las novedades favoritas que te hemos presentado a lo largo del mes de octubre.(Foto del podcast por JUXE; Los Chicos) Playlist; (sintonía) I. JEZIAK and THE SURFERS “Free as the Ocean” BIZNAGA “La gran renuncia” (¡Ahora!)CAPSULA “In the garden of Narcissus” (Primitivo astral) AMYL and THE SNIFFERS “Jerkin’” (Cartoon darkness) THE COURETTES “Better without you” (The soul of the fabulous…) THE KAISERINAS “Don’t come back” LOS CHICOS “Never is too much” (Never is too much) THE HARD-ONS “I like you a lot” (I like you a lot getting older) THE BABALOONEYS “Pivot cup” (Late to the party) TITO RAMIREZ “Milly Malone” LIE DETECTORS “Masaje Uzbeko” PETER PERRETT “Fountain of you” (The Cleansing) JD McPHERSON “Just like summer” (Nite owls) CAROLINA DURANTE “Hamburguesas” (Elige tu propia aventura) THE DESLONDES “I’ll do it” (Roll it up) SID GRIFFIN “Not a lot of sand left in the glass” (The journey from grape to raisin) JAMES INTVELD with THE VELVET CANDLES “Love you still” ROB HERON and THE TEA PAD ORCHESTRA “Good lovin’” (Feet first)