Recognizing and honoring your perfectly imperfect journey

In this episode, Patricia brings forth a powerful message that we deserve to remember every step of the way in our self love journey. Today, more than ever, remember and acknowledge your own humanity, your nature to make mistakes along the way, and to know how perfectly imperfect you and your journey are. Your life IS your journey and the best way that you can honor yourself today is by recognizing this powerful concept, as well as understanding two things: (1) releasing your expectation to be perfect all the time and (2) it's as important that you recognize yourself and every element of your journey in love, compassion, and total honesty in order to continue healing, growing, and evolving as you wish. Only through, will you be able to harness and experience the peace and the bliss you're searching for and deserve living. Honor yourself today, #ChooseYourself. You deserve it.   @elartedelamorpropio | @patriciasabreul

Om Podcasten

Mi nombre es Patricia Abreu Logroño y mi intención es educar, inspirar y crear consciencia a través de experiencias y conversaciones significativas que tengan que ver con el honrar e Ser, el alma, la vida, el mindfulness y la espiritualidad. Creo fielmente que cada uno de nosotrxs tiene una propósito de vida que cumplir y la manera más auténtica y profunda que podemos cumplirlo es empezando con honrar quiénes somos como seres humanos-- cuerpo, mente y alma. La vida es un Journey en sí misma, y es una jornada particular de la historia de vida de cada quien. Te invito a que me acompañes en tu journey de amor propio. #EmpiezaContigo ✨ Si deseas tener acceso a nuestro feed constante y exclusivo, visita Redes sociales: @elartedelamorpropio | @patriciasabreul