How to Apply the "Rule of 5" for Deeper EFT Results

EFT Tapping Junction - Ein Podcast von Stephen Carter


With the "Rule of 5", you can get deeper, more complete EFT tapping results. How? Because you'll understand why we quit tapping to early and discover how to change that results limiting pattern.---Resources discussed during episode:Post by Dr. Pat Carrington: "Use the Rule of 5 for Maximum EFT Benefits": for Daniel Benor, MD. Stephen Carter. Website:; Email: [email protected] information:Recorded and inital edits with Audacity. Final edits and rendering with Hindenburg Pro.Microphone: AT 2005---Key words:EFT, Emotional Freedom, Emotional Freedom Techniques, tapping, Thought Field Therapy, stress, stress relief, calm, emotional balance, emotional wellbeing, ---

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