Episode 11: Anxiety (featuring students from Bonus Pastor Secondary School)

Drumbeat Autism Outreach Podcast - Ein Podcast von Charlie Pinel


In this episode of the Drumbeat Autism Outreach Podcast you will hear from 4 young people who attend Bonus Pastor Secondary School in Lewisham speaking about Anxiety. To start with you will hear from regular hosts, Charlie and Pete and also from another Drumbeat Autism Outreach team member Wendy, who organised and ran the group at Bonus Pastor. The young people offer an incredible insight into the feeling of anxiety, what might trigger them and how they manifest. They also talk about things that might help them when they are feeling anxious.

If you want to find out more about Bonus Pastor Secondary School go to https://www.bonuspastor.co.uk/

Throughout the episode you young people refer to their “5 point scale”. You can find out more about “the incredible 5 point scale” by going to https://www.autismempowerment.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Incredible-5-Point-Scale-Fact-Sheet-rev.pdf

This episode is the second episode looking at autism and mental health, if you want to hear more from the Drumbeat Autism Outreach team about Mental Health have a listen to Episode 6 https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/0V9yyMHZwtb

If you want to learn more about Drumbeat Autism Outreach and access their online resources go to https://linktr.ee/drumbeatoutreach

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