DRUM AND BASS | Computers LIVE | BREAKCORE DNB IDM | Neurofunk Lo Fi Jump Up | FUTURE DUBSTEP RIDDIM | Reaktor Live Looping | VAPORWAVE | Electronic Music | INFLUENCER | Ghostwriter Los Angeles CA - Ein Podcast von Computers LIVE
COMPUTERS LIVE - SAINT PATRICK DRUM AND BASS - REAKTOR SPACE TIME TRAVELER LOS ANGELES SAN MARINOCALIFORNIA DRUM AND BASS SCENE BREAD & BEANS PIZZA ANDTACOS Computers LIVE is a podcast dedicated to(Live) Reakor Music. This show features Live Jungle,Techno, DNB, Hip Hop, Dubstep, Future, Noise, Synth, Trance, Pop,DJ, Mixing, Battle, Records, Music, Altering, AM, FM, Modulations,Radio, Computer, Harmonies. Thunderous Scratch-Tracks, Techno,Glitches, Old, Skool, Breaks, Ejects, iDose, Chaos and Bass. Anhour long podcast of Fresh Original Electronic Dance Music.Menacing Cantus Firmus Basslines, Heavyweight Drums andSynthesizers all LIVE! Computer Music Live is posted every SaturdayNight from California, only the hottest Underground Jungle Music ischosen. New podcasts are posted on a weekly basis and up to theminute show information is here http://citrusonic.libsyn.com/ andyou may also visit www.citrusonic.com for more. Thank you and makesure to tell all your friends to subscribe to ComputersLive. https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/computer-music-live/id390440928?mt=8 This is the most convenient way to access ComputerMusic Live on your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch. You're alwaysconnected to the latest episode. Instant access, just touch andplay! Computers LIVE contains the following features: * Streaming access to play episode from anywhere * Always updated with the latest episodes- and an archived backcatalog * Download the episodes and play them when offline * Playback resume (when interrupted by a call or otherdistraction) * Favorites (mark the episodes you want to return back to over andover) * Quick access to all the contact methods for the show COMPUTERS LIVE features Underground Ape Music. The hottest BASSMUSIC on the planet. Drum and Bass Tunes / Jungle unlike anythingyou've heard. Amen Breaks Podcast created by the living idol JavierCasas : Strong, tall, Otaku Athlete. a.k.a The Reaktor & MaxMSPGosu & Three Time Golden Mouse Winner. And now there is aweekly podcast of these works. Exclusive Dubstep Trap from thecountry. Hidden away in a Los Angeles studio. It is offered onlythrough Podcast. All circuits will be bent once a week. Eight bitsthru eight terabytes. Do you like playing video games? Well we'vestolen the synthesizer so get ready! ACCESS VIRUS your way to atrance. DJs you like mixing, OK we've got you covered. This L.ABattle Artist has ties with AKB48! Thunderous the meanestscratching of fresh bassline and 303's on steroids. Up to theminute show information is posted here http://citrusonic.libsyn.comand you may visit www.fm48.org for my info. Thank you and make sureto tell all your friends to subscribe to Computer Music Live! OFFICIAL PODCAST LINK https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/drum-bass-electronic-trap/id286020710?mt=2 (Please note, not all features are available for all episodes.Call-in feature is only available on iPhone but not the iPad oriPod Touch) http://www.amazon.com/Wizzard-Media-Computer-Music-Live/dp/B0052UNHKS Strong, Tall, Otaku Athlete. Reaktor & Max/MSP Gosu.Three Time Golden Mouse Winner. Weekly podcast on iTunes called"Computer Music Live" along w Apps on iOS, Android &Amazon https://www.instagram.com/citrusonic Computer Music Live / Citrusonic is a weekly podcast dedicatedto Live Computer Music Performances. This show features LiveUnderground Jungle, Techno, DNB, Hip Hop, Dubstep, Future, Noise,Synth, Trance, Pop, DJ, Mixing, Battle, Records, Music, Altering,AM, FM, Modulations, Radio, Computer, Harmonies. ThunderousScratch-Tracks, Techno, Glitches, Old, Skool, Breaks, Ejects,iDose, Chaos and Bass. An hour long podcast of Fresh OriginalElectronic Dance Music. Menacing Cantus Firmus Basslines,Heavyweight Drums and Synthesizers all LIVE! Computer Music Live isposted every Saturday Night from California, only the hottestUnderground Jungle Music is chosen. New podcasts are posted on aweekly basis and up to the minute show information is herehttp://citrusonic.libsyn.com/ and you may also visitwww.citrusonic.com for more. Thank you and make sure to tell allyour friends to subscribe to Computer Music Live. Thisweek... http://citrusonic.com http://fm48.org http://facebook.com/computerslive Special Episode