#310 - Robin Kelly: Medicine, Consciousness, and the Art of Truly Caring
Doc Malik - Ein Podcast von Ahmad Malik

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ABOUT THIS CONVERSATION: I had a fascinating and deeply meaningful conversation with Robin Kelly about what medicine is really supposed to be: human, personal, and soulful. These days, healthcare feels more like a data-driven machine than a healing practice. We’ve lost the art of listening, of truly seeing patients as individuals rather than just collections of symptoms and numbers.
Robin and I explored individualised care, not the kind that gets thrown around as a marketing term, but the real kind, where a doctor actually takes the time to understand the person in front of them. We talked about how technology, protocols, and endless data gathering make medicine more robotic and impersonal, stripping it of its true purpose.
From there, we went deep into acupuncture, Chinese medicine, and the role of consciousness in healing. Robin shared his insights on chakras, the interstitium (a newly recognised part of human anatomy), and the incredible mathematical patterns in nature, like Fibonacci sequences and fractals, that seem to reflect the very essence of life itself.
But more than anything, this conversation was about slowing down, reconnecting, and remembering that medicine isn’t just about fixing bodies—it’s about caring for souls.Much love
Doc x
- Personal website Robin Kelly
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