044 Practical Philosophy and slowing down, with Ayisha De Lanerolle

I've been wanting to chat to Ayisha on the podcast for ages because I love her work around practical philosophy.

Ayisha founded The Conversation Agency to empower people of all ages through creative, dynamic and collaborative conversation. She designs and facilitates conversations that slow us down to allow room for curiosity about different & diverse perspectives, and is interested in the potential of philosophical conversation to transform our relationships to ideas and toward each other, especially in moments of uncertainty, confusion and even conflict.

We talk about practical philosophy, not fitting in, what's possible, what's not, certainty, what can we do for the future and the people there. We discuss how we need to really listen to young people and we both notice that we need to share more of what gives us inspiration, hope and energy to bring about what we want for the world.

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References during the show:

Connect with Ayisha:

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This episode was edited by Eve Horne https://www.instagram.com/eve_horne/

Om Podcasten

I'm Sarah Fox and this is Do Good and Do Well, a podcast exploring how we can make a positive contribution without burning out. Whether you describe yourself as a leader, entrepreneur, freelancer, small business owner or anything in between, join me as I talk to people in business, education and the creative industries about how we can lean into our pro-social values and take care of ourselves in the process. I also share my own observations and experiences as a coach and mentor for changemakers, and there are plenty of tools and tips to help you do good and do well.