028 Charity Leadership and Wellbeing, with Steph Dickinson

Steph Dickinson is a brilliant human being and the Managing Director of Pie Factory, a charity based in Ramsgate, Kent.

We talk about:

  • Managing home life, running a charity over the pandemic, and the need to pace and navigate as humanly and honestly as possible.
  • Challenging and changing culture in the not-for-profit sector.
  • Honest and authentic practice and leadership, and a world that means people love themselves, each other and the plane.
  • Growing up in a working class background and existing in tension, providing a perspective and curiosity to the world.
  • Steph's journey from participant to Managing Director of Pie Factory, and how she stepped into the role as herself.
  • What Do Good and Do Well means and how a burnout early on her career helped her to recognise her worth.
  • Questioning 'what is good' and how do we cause the least amount of harm.
  • Wellbeing and the connection with productivity - and why that's a problem.

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Edited by Ryan Nile for Pure Creation Media

Om Podcasten

I'm Sarah Fox and this is Do Good and Do Well, a podcast exploring how we can make a positive contribution without burning out. Whether you describe yourself as a leader, entrepreneur, freelancer, small business owner or anything in between, join me as I talk to people in business, education and the creative industries about how we can lean into our pro-social values and take care of ourselves in the process. I also share my own observations and experiences as a coach and mentor for changemakers, and there are plenty of tools and tips to help you do good and do well.