125: A Mag-Neato Interview | Linux Out Loud

This week, Linux Out Loud chats with a special guest that is part of the show, but not actually part of the show. Welcome to episode 29.5 of Linux Out Loud. We fired up our mics, connected those headphones as we searched the community for themes to expound upon. We kept the banter friendly, the conversation somewhat on topic, and had fun doing it. Join in the chat on the Discourse forum here: https://discourse.destinationlinux.network/t/a-mag-neato-interview-linux-out-loud-29-5/5443 Our sponsors: Digital Ocean http://do.co/tux2022 Bitwarden http://bitwarden.com/tux Contact info Matt (Twitter @MattGameSphere) Wendy (Mastodon @WendyDLN) Nate (Website CubicleNate.com)Special Guest: Mag_Neato.

Om Podcasten

Linux Out Loud is a community powered podcast. We take conversations from the Community from places like the Discourse Forums, Telegram group, Discord server and more. We also take topics from other shows around the network to give our takes. Linux Out Loud podcast is brought to you by the TuxDigital Network (https://tuxdigital.com/)!