Pioneering the future of brand in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

In the first of a two-part special, guests Haitham Alturaigi, Rashad Moglbay, and Alfredo Fraile explore the future of brand in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Our guests consider how purpose-driven leadership, pioneering approaches engaging new generations, and creating memorable experiences can drive progress while aligning brands with the Kingdom's goals for Vision 2030.

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In this podcast we will share the most important insights that we have gathered from several decades of working closely with some of the world's most disruptive brands. We will show how every business, start-up to enterprise, can design its brand using disruptive thought and action. From how-to sessions with members of our executive team, to conversations with our clients, learn first hand how to position your brand to compete with disruptive challengers - and to challenge and disrupt yourself.