Odeliya - From teaching Zionism to unlearning it
Disillusioned - Ein Podcast von Yahav Erez

Odeliya grew up in the Jewish neighborhood of Armon Ha’Natziv, which is according to international law an illegal settlement. Her father, a firm believer in Zionism, taught her how to use the art of debate - which is why she’s now such a good advocate for the rights of the Naqab (Negev) Bedouins, and the Palestinian struggle at large. Odeliya is one of my biggest inspirations; she is currently getting her bachelor's degree in media studies, worked up until recently in the Negev (Naqab) forum for civil equality, and teaches groups of teenagers about the political context we live in and how to understand systemic violence. I know every demonstration she joins will be filled with joy no matter what since she has her own special way of doing everything in life with a smile. She is a free spirit working relentlessly so that everyone else can be free as well. And with that, I hope you enjoy this episode. Check out bonus episodes on Patreon: https://bit.ly/47fLR8i **** A few important disclaimers: This podcast is created and funded by me privately. I don’t belong to any organization, nor does it represent anyone other than myself. Secondly, I don’t intend this content to provide a justification or excuse for the actions people interviewed did in their past, but rather to learn from their personal experiences and gain insight as to what the process of transformation looks like. Certain parts of the episode could be triggering for you, and I advise taking into consideration that some of the events discussed are morally and ethically challenging (to say the least). And lastly: I acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which I work as the indigenous people of this country, and pay my respects to their elders, past and emerging. **** You can contact Odeliya via Instagram at: @oddiematter You can contact me at @yehavit on Instagram (or write to yehavit@gmail if you’re not on Instagram). . Stuff we mentioned: Negev Forum for Civil Equality: https://www.dukium.org/?lang=he