Disillusioned Musical Session | Ayelet & Elik's Anti-War Songs
Disillusioned - Ein Podcast von Yahav Erez

As the genocide in Gaza continues, we felt there is a need for Jewish, Israeli voices who oppose it. Music is our way of expressing this. For the people of Gaza, for the Palestinian people, and for our own humanity. **** This is a bonus episode of the podcast 'Disillusioned. I recommend listening to Ayelet's interview first and then listening to the musical session: https://open.spotify.com/episode/6ZEa... And, There's another bonus episode with Ayelet, in which we dive deeper into her experiences in the past year, on this podcast's Patreon page. Consider supporting and getting access to exclusive content such as bonus episodes here: https://www.patreon.com/Yehavit . Names of the songs: Jewish Brother Sister on the Other Side of the Wall Genocide Song End the War Palestine Fear into Love **** A few important disclaimers: I created and funded this podcast privately. I don’t belong to any organization, nor does it represent anyone other than myself. Secondly, I don’t intend this content to provide a justification or excuse for the actions people interviewed did in their past, but rather to learn from their personal experiences and gain insight into what the transformation process looks like. Certain parts of the episode could be triggering for you, and I advise taking into consideration that some of the events discussed are morally and ethically challenging (to say the least). . And lastly: I acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which I work as the indigenous people of this country and pay my respects to their elders, past and emerging. **** Thank you Roy Geva for the soundtrack . You can contact me at @yehavit on Instagram (or write to yehavit@gmail if you’re not on Instagram)