Impact of the current market situation on VC funds; finding the right CFO & fundraising strategy - Alexander Langholz, Cherry Ventures

Alexander Langholz is CFO at Cherry Ventures and has previously supported various IPOs for years. He talks to Fabian about the business as CFO of a venture capital fund, IPOs and fundraising strategy. What you learn: What impact does the current market situation have on venture capital firms (using Cherry Ventures as an example)? At what point do I absolutely need a CFO in the company? How have funding rounds changed due to the crisis years and market changes? How can I recognize a good CFO who is suitable for my startup? ALL ABOUT UNICORN BAKERY: (00:01:05) How do the current market changes affect a seed VC company like Cherry Ventures? (00:04:11) As a CFO, what data and information are you most interested in about the companies' portfolios? (00:06:10) What indicators do you use to tell if companies are well positioned? (00:06:45) Why has the relevance of profitability changed so much? (00:08:52) If you are now supposed to get to faster profitability with less money - is that as contradictory as it sounds? (00:10:53) What needs to change for IPOs to matter again? (00:14:15) How do you make it clear to startups that the growth valuations of recent crisis years are no longer attractive now? (00:16:36) As a fund, have you had to reevaluate your portfolio and adjust it to market conditions? (00:20:41) Do you communicate to the founders when the paper value of the company is adjusted? (00:21:01) What are the challenges of being a CFO at a venture capital firm? (00:23:32) How would you estimate the market will be in 2023? (00:26:30) As an entrepreneur, when do you realize that you are ready for an IPO or that you should think about different financing/exit strategies? (00:31:40) Differences between an IPO in Germany vs. the U.S. (00:32:51) When do I hire a CFO? (00:36:34) Is it okay to look for an interim CFO first? (00:37:32) How do I recognize a good CFO? (00:39:11) How would you currently structure a financing round from a founder's perspective? Alexander Langholz LinkedIn: Cherry Ventures: WHATSAPP NEWSLETTER: 1-2x a week get a personalized voice note or content from me that will make you a better founder, sign up now with one click:

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Unicorn Bakery is the startup podcast about the essential questions and issues in founding a startup. We interview the world’s leading startup founders and venture capital investors to cover every stage of the startup process, from ideation and strategy to technical, legal and financial issues. Listen to stories and lessons learned from the world's best founders and learn what it takes to create and scale your own startup.