Oubliez Beuys! Не забудьте Joseph-а!
die erde spricht - Ein Podcast von beuys2021

“Forget Beuys! Don’t forget Joseph!”. This is how the title of this episode of „Die Erde spricht / The Earth is Speaking” translates. It is a sound collage sculpted from the voices of eight Bulgarian intellectuals and artists of various media. Sofia-based artist Luchezar Boyadjiev orchestrated them into an equally entertaining and surprising collection of bon mots and statements. And one thing becomes clear time and again during this rigorous questioning: “Beuys” has the somewhat dubious status of a male art superstar of the twentieth century. “Joseph”, on the other hand, is the inventor of practices and ideas that will always be able to inspire new rounds of questioning, methodologies and artistic practices that have serious social implications – either for specific locations and local contexts, or for art in general.